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形容词: gilled 过去式: gilled 过去分词: gilled 现在分词: gilling 第三人称单数: gills

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1. respiratory organ of aquatic animals that breathe oxygen dissolved in water

Synonym: branchia

2. any of the radiating leaflike spore-producing structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus

Synonym: lamella

3. a United States liquid unit equal to 4 fluid ounces

4. a British imperial capacity unit (liquid or dry) equal to 5 fluid ounces or 142.066 cubic centimeters

1. (鱼等的)鳃
Gills are the organs on the sides of fish and other water creatures through which they breathe.

1. 鳃:对於鱼类有些许认知的人应该都知道,鱼类是用一个相当於人类肺部的器官---鳃(Gill)来进行呼吸的作用. 一般鱼类的呼吸方式是,水流由嘴巴进入口腔,并藉由鳃盖的开合拍动,导引水流进到鳃腔并流出鳃部,其间水流会经过布满微血管的鳃丝,

2. gill是什么意思

2. 菌褶:孢子从子实体上以各种形式产生:比如洋菇的孢子是在蕈伞的顶端称作蕈帽(cap)下缘的皱褶,名为菌褶(gill)的夹缝中孕育成熟(图三Boletus这一属的蕈类,菌褶的构造被一大堆细管所取代,细管的开孔清晰可见.

3. 吉哥:<>里的尼莫(Nemo)是小丑鱼吗?多利(Dory)和吉哥(Gill)都是什么鱼?尼莫(Nemo)是小丑鱼,多利(Dory)是蓝藻鱼.大白鲨布鲁斯的两个朋友都叫虎鲨、榔头鲨 .吉哥是角蝶鱼

  • 经典引文

  • 'My dear Sir!' replied Sir Appulby, in visible confusion, his fat gills quivering.

    出自:C. Smith
So we are seeing a big difference of essentially about 30 million poor, "says Gill."(一降一增,这其中的差异实际上就是3000万左右。)
The gill flaps opened like two gash wounds on the sides of its head as it thrashed helplessly in the gutter.(当它无助地在水沟里挣扎时,鳃瓣张开,犹如在它头部两侧切开了两道深深的伤口。)
Gill has been out of work for a year and is getting very despondent.(吉尔失业一年了,变得很消沉。)
Dr. Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the feces of two volunteers.(吉尔博士和他的研究小组是通过提取两位志愿者粪便中的细菌DNA后得出这一结论的。)
Here, Gill Adams, one of the organizers of Silver Surfers' Day, gives her top ten reasons why all older people should get connected.(在这里,“银发网上冲浪者”活动的组织者之一吉尔·亚当斯给出了她认为老年人应该上网的十大理由。)
AMAN SINGH GILL, Ph.D. student in the ecology and evolution department at Stony Brook university.(——哈曼·辛格·吉尔,博士,石溪大学生态学及进化论系。)
Need break-out time as much as women and are mentally healthier for it. "gill."(男人和女人一样需要放松时间,这样他们的心理会更健康。)
Gill, however, believes prenups need not become a deal breaker.(然而吉尔认为婚前协议不必破坏婚姻关系。)
You’re listening to Jacquelyn Gill,PhD candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.(您刚才听到的是来自威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的博士生杰奎琳·吉尔的讲话。)
Mrs. Gill asked Paul what he thought was funny about a young mother putting her head inside an oven.(吉尔小姐问保罗,一个年轻的母亲把她的脑袋放进烤箱里,他是不是会感到好笑。)
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