英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [glʌv]

美 [ɡlʌv]


vt.给 ... 戴手套

过去式: gloved 过去分词: gloved 现在分词: gloving 第三人称单数: gloves

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  • 棒球手套
  • 拳击手套
  • 手套
  • 给…戴手套
  • 给…手套
  • 供给手套
  • 接(球)
  • [C]手套 covering of leather, knitted wool, etc. for the hand, usually with separated fingers


1. the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball

Synonym: baseball glovebaseball mittmitt

2. boxing equipment consisting of big and padded coverings for the fists of the fighters
worn for the sport of boxing

Synonym: boxing glove

3. handwear: covers the hand and wrist

1. (分手指的)手套
Gloves are pieces of clothing which cover your hands and wrists and have individual sections for each finger. You wear gloves to keep your hands warm or dry or to protect them.

e.g. He stuck his gloves in his pocket.
e.g. ...a pair of white cotton gloves.

2. 正合适;完全相配
If you say that something fits like a glove, you are emphasizing that it fits exactly.

3. see also: kid gloves
hand in glove -> see hand


1. 手套, 分指手套:bull-pen 候补投手练习区 | glove 手套, 分指手套 | milt 合指手套

2. 手套,拾取物品用的:Collection一栏是收集类工具,包括 | Glove:手套,拾取物品用的; | Tweezers:镊子,夹取微小的物品;

3. 护手:Face脸 | Glove护手 | Hair头发

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The gloves are/is on the table.
  • A pair of gloves is a welcome present.
  • Two pairs of gloves are quite enough.
  • She was wearing old black cotton gloves..to protect her hands.

    出自:B. Pym
  • Her gloved hand holds a parasol.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • glove是表示两个部分组成的物品的名词,通常用于复数形式,用作主语时谓语动词一般用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式。
  • glove前有pair修饰时,其谓语动词与pair保持一致。
  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的glof,意为手套。
Oh, you look nice.The dress fits you like a glove!(哦!好靓啊!这套衣服你穿正合适!)
The waves cause the glove to shake.(波浪会使手套抖动。)
These teams are sometimes referred to as' Hot Glove 'teams.(这些小组有时也被称为‘热手套’小队。)
She bent down to pick up her glove.(她俯身去捡手套。)
The glove with shaking motors was invented for blind people.(带有振动马达的手套是为盲人发明的。)
I gave one of the bikinis to my sister Sara and it fit like a glove.(我把其中一件比基尼给了妹妹萨拉,她穿正合身。)
“At first I thought glove, ” Gelton says.(“起初我还以为是手套,”济丹说。)
She touches your hand with a soft, smooth glove and says you look good.(她用软滑的手套摸着你的手,说你看起来不错。)
These include the "Takecopter," the "Invisible Cape" and the "Superpower Glove."(展出的“未来工具”包括竹蜻蜓、隐形斗篷和超能手套等。)
You can keep the glove.(你们可以留着手套。)
glove是什么意思 glove在线翻译 glove什么意思 glove的意思 glove的翻译 glove的解释 glove的发音 glove的同义词