英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:48:15


英 [ˈnɔ:ɪŋ]



原级:gnaw第三人称单数:gnaws过去分词:gnawed; gnawn过去式:gnawed

  • 网络解释

1. 咬:仓鼠(Hamster)是于1829年于西伯利亚附近一个城市被发觉,她们是属于啮齿类(Rodent),学名Rodentia,出自拉丁文地咬(gnawing),意义是牙齿不时生长而 需要不停磨牙.

2. 被咬样的(痛):穿刺(痛) piercing | 窜(痛) darting | 被咬样的(痛) gnawing

3. 咬/不断的苦痛/苛责/咬的/使苦恼的:gnawer /咬的人/腐食物/臼齿动物/ | gnawing /咬/不断的苦痛/苛责/咬的/使苦恼的/ | gneiss /片麻岩/

4. 不断的苦痛:gnawer 臼齿动物 | gnawing 不断的苦痛 | gnawingmordaciousrodent 咬的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Also gnawing at the dollar is continuing chatter about its role as the world's reserve currency.(对美元世界储备货币地位的质疑声不断也在削弱着美元汇率。)
You got any of that beef jerky you're always gnawing on?(你刚才吃的那些牛肉干还有吗?)
Fear and anxiety were gnawing at her heart.(恐惧和焦虑正咬啮着她的心。)
The mice weren't gnawing as quickly as they might and my condition wouldn't imminently threaten my existence.(我想,老鼠咬树枝的速度也不是那么快,而且我的疾病也不会那么快地就威胁到我的生存。)
There's gnawing and gnashing of teeth.(还有的啃和咬牙切齿的。)
But talk to bosses and you discover a gnawing worry-about the supply of talent.(但只要跟老板们谈谈,你就会发现令他们寝食难安的大麻烦——人才短缺。)
I left the theater with the gnawing sense that a revered Broadway classic may have seen better days.(我离开剧院时心怀一份感伤,一部百老汇经典剧目就这样走完了它的鼎盛时期。)
The problem had been gnawing at him for months.(几个月来这个问题一直折磨着他。)
In the press room on the first floor that was when you look Qiangqun, termites gnawing part of wall.(记者在一楼的房间内看到,墙裙被剥开,白蚁蛀空部分墙体。)
The dog has been gnawing away on the bone all day.(这条狗整天一直在啃一块骨头。)
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