英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:48:49
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1. go to extremes的反义词

1. 采取极端手段:当家庭无法负担孩子所需要的基本食品时,往往被迫采取极端手段(go to extremes),导致出现更多的童工(child labor)和早婚(early marriage)现象. h

2. go to extremes的翻译

2. 走极端:go off duty 下班 | go out with 与......约会 | go to extremes 走极端

3. [达到极限]:我已经想尽了办法. : I've exhausted all my ideas. | 2. ver [达到极限] go to extremes | 山穷水尽 : at the end of one's tether

4. 走极端,采取极端手段:(2) 音乐家或歌唱家举办音乐会叫give a concert. | go to extremes走极端,采取极端手段: | He has gone to extremes in his views. 他发表意见时走了极端.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

  • overdo做或表现得过分...
You should not go to extremes.(你们不应该走极端。)
Work tips: without some positive energy, Scorpio can go to extremes.(工作:如果缺乏积极因素,蝎子可能走向极端。)
Don't bother to spring-clean the whole house just because my mother coming-there's no need to go to extremes.(不必仅仅因为我母亲要来而费心彻底找扫整幢房子——没有必要走极端。)
Also called on people to others to have a universal love and compassion, do not go to extremes.(同时呼吁人们对他人要有一个博爱和同情心,切勿走极端。)
We should not go to extremes and claim that all arranged marriages are failures.(我们不能走极端而认为所有的包办婚姻都是失败的。)
One must not go to extremes in applying the principle of self-reliance.(不要把自力更生绝对化。)
That just goes to show, when people want something, they will go to extremes.(这件事表明,当一个人渴望得到什么东西时,他会走极端。)
He is liable to go to extremes.(他很容易走极端。)
When it comes to physical cleanliness, people can go to extremes.(人对身体洁净过度关注,就会走向极端。)
They often go to extremes in their views.(他们在看法上经常走极端。)
go to extremes是什么意思 go to extremes在线翻译 go to extremes什么意思 go to extremes的意思 go to extremes的翻译 go to extremes的解释 go to extremes的发音 go to extremes的同义词