英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [gɒŋ]

美 [gɔ:ŋ]

n.锣; 奖章

过去式: gonged 过去分词: gonged 现在分词: gonging 第三人称单数: gongs

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer
used as an orchestral instrument

Synonym: chimebell

2. a percussion instrument consisting of a metal plate that is struck with a softheaded drumstick

Synonym: tam-tam



1. sound a gong

A gong is a large, flat, circular piece of metal that you hit with a hammer to make a sound like a loud bell. Gongs are sometimes used as musical instruments, or to give a signal that it is time to do something.


e.g. On the stroke of seven, a gong summons guests into the dining-room.

2. 奖章;勋章
People sometimes refer to a medal or an award as a gong .


e.g. Spike Milligan has finally got the gong he had been promised.
e.g. ...peerages, knighthoods and other assorted gongs.

1. 钟:走题了,这个Formal其实也没我想象中的那么有Trinity特色,不过那一个大钟(Gong)倒可能是别的学院没有的. 钟声一落,全体起立,某Fellow(s)讲了一席不知所谓的话,大家就坐下了. 而且这边的Fellow还耍酷,他们没走,谁也不准照像.

2. gong:global oscillation network group; 金斑病

  • 经典引文

  • The gong sounded for the luncheon.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Gong Benru is a successful computer programmer who, like Yang, chooses to save up his cash to buy a house.(宫本儒是一个事业有成的计算机程序员,像杨一样,他选择通过攒钱来买房。)
"Gong bao jiding demands very particular materials," he said.(宫保鸡丁对材料要求很高。)
I cannot give up my hair and my legs; can I, Wei Gong?(我不能没有头发和长腿,是么魏公?)
I am in big trouble this time, Wei Gong, big trouble.(这回是大麻烦,魏公,大麻烦。)
Formerly Zi Gong asked Confucius, saying, "Master, are you a Sage?"(昔者子贡、问于孔子曰:‘夫子圣矣乎?’)
Prefer slant to the gong of full rhyme.(喜欢用方言甚于大气的全韵。)
"You're wrong," Yu Gong said with a sigh.(愚公叹了口气说:“你错了。”)
Apparently, Gong didn't expect the song to become a hit.(显然,龚丽娜并未料到这首歌会这么火。)
This is just like the good old times, Wei Gong.(就像过去的好日子一样,魏公。)
Gong was very satisfied with the new follower.(公孙龙对这个新收的门客非常满意。)
gong是什么意思 gong在线翻译 gong什么意思 gong的意思 gong的翻译 gong的解释 gong的发音 gong的同义词