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更新时间:2025-03-03 12:06:52
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good idea

1. If officials opt for a simple solution, they may think that building a few new villages would be a good idea.

2. It is always a good idea to keep a lot of supplies in the home, even before winter begins.

3. Few experts think it's possible to completely eradicate nuclear weapons, and many say it wouldn't be a good idea even if it could be done.

4. It's not hard to turn a good idea into a viable business, but it's naive to not expect windfalls in a mature market like Hong Kong.

5. Giving repeat gifts is never a good idea, but unique gifts can sometimes turn out to be even worse.

6. But it is still a good idea to check with your manager, even if you see others wearing headphones in the office.

7. It is absolutely not a good idea for a society such as China, which puts great emphasis on the protection of people's civil rights.

8. It is a good idea for the central finance to subsidize the clearing of huge debts local authorities have incurred in popularizing compulsory education.

9. It is largely an American idea and I think some of the best marketers you find worldwide come out of America for very good reasons.

10. He said it was a good idea for people to come back to work so soon after the disaster.


1. I think it's a good idea to spend more time together.

2. Wow, I believe this is a good idea to rent one after I leave.

3. While it is a good idea to flip through glossies to understand the trends, a unique style about yourself should be adopted especially so in a hairstyle.

4. It's always a good idea to peruse the college website to see what subjects might interest you.

5. good idea在线翻译

5. I think it is a good idea to use alcohol as a new kind of car fuel to replace gas.

6. For a decision that can affect all people, to solicit everyone's feedback and opinion is a good idea forever.

7. It can be a good idea to setup a redundant system. It is easy to setup, here is a quick howto.

8. good idea的翻译

8. The idea seemed good to me; so I selected twelve of you, one man from each tribe.
申 1:23 Cit'ee 话,我听+来感觉很好,就 tuy 恁中间选出十二个人,每支派一个。

9. good idea的近义词

9. If you have a good idea, then first of all, convince me

10. Good idea, everyone should take care of their own affairs, may be a communist monkey like you can show everyone how its done.

11. If you`re confident in your speed, then it`s probably a good idea to trinket first.

12. good idea

12. I don't think that is a good idea.

13. I am not sure that is a good idea.

14. I am not sure that is good idea.

15. She says that is a good idea.

16. good idea在线翻译

16. I do not think that that is a good idea.
不! 不!我不认为这是个好主意。

17. That is a good idea, and that is a city that I have wanted to see.

18. Covers an area of 46, 500 square meters, construction area of 1900 square meters, of which 17, 200 square meters leased area, the state-owned land use certificate has 28, 100 square meters of production base, has a good green idea, as the company's staff to provide a good working environment.

19. good idea

19. It's a good idea to assess the long-term career impact of toiling for less.

20. It's also a good idea to have the extension of your filename match with the filetype.

That is a good idea.(那是个好主意。)
It is a good idea to place your order well in advance as delivery can often take months rather than weeks.(早早提前订购是个好主意,因为交货常常要花几个月的时间,而不是几星期。)
Honey, I don't really think that's a good idea.(亲爱的,我不认为那是个好主意。)
Good idea! I love parties.(好主意!我喜欢聚会。)
Good idea. Good morning, class.(好主意!同学们,早上好!)
Mmm, I'm not so sure that's a good idea.(嗯,我不知道这想法行不行。)
It seems like a good idea on the surface but there are sure to be problems.(这主意乍一看不错,但肯定存在问题。)
"Why?" Pete asked impatiently.—"Yes, why?" Bob chimed in. "It seems like a good idea to me."(“为什么?”皮特不耐烦地问。—“是啊,为什么?”鲍勃插嘴说。“在我看来这好像是个好主意。”)
It is not a good idea to fight fatigue by taking stimulants.(服兴奋剂来抗疲劳不是个好主意。)
It would be a good idea to call before we leave.(我们出发之前打个电话是个好主意。)
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