英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [gaʊn]

美 [ɡaʊn]


过去式: gowned 过去分词: gowned 现在分词: gowning 第三人称单数: gowns

  • 详情解释

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  • 长袍,长衫 ,长外衣
  • 礼服
  • 睡衣,睡袍
  • 手术衣
  • 大学礼服
  • 教士服
  • 法官服
  • 文官服
  • 教士
  • 法官
  • 大学的学生和教师
  • 罩袍,罩衣
  • 和平之衣
  • 晨衣
  • 女长服
  • 使穿长袍,使穿睡衣,
  • 穿长外衣,穿法衣,着大学礼服
  • [C]女长服,礼服 a woman's dress, especially a long one worn on formal occasions
  • [C]宽松长外衣 a long loose garment worn for some special purpose



1. a woman's dress, usually with a close-fitting bodice and a long flared skirt, often worn on formal occasions

2. outerwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions

Synonym: robe

3. protective garment worn by surgeons during operations

Synonym: surgical gownscrubs

4. lingerie consisting of a loose dress designed to be worn in bed by women

Synonym: nightgownnightienight-robenightdress

5. the members of a university as distinguished from the other residents of the town in which the university is located

e.g. the relations between town and gown are always sensitive



1. dress in a gown

1. 女裙;女礼服;女长服
A gown is a dress, usually a long dress, which women wear on formal occasions.


e.g. The new ball gown was a great success.
e.g. ...wedding gowns.

2. (律师、学者等在正式场合穿的)礼袍,长袍
A gown is a loose black garment worn on formal occasions by people such as lawyers and academics.

e.g. ...an old headmaster in a flowing black gown.

1. 长袍:十四、目前穿戴之个人防护装备(PPE)包括: 可提供适当呼吸防护的口罩(规格详见後述) 单双包装之手套 护目设备 抛弃式长袍(gown) 围裙(apron) 可消毒式脚套十七、应由穿戴个人防护装备(PPE)之员工以经认可可杀病毒之广效性消毒

2. 睡袍:Pepys迅速穿上睡袍(gown)跑去窗户那看. 火似乎很远于是他又回去睡了. 当早晨起来时他发现火好像已经灭掉. 于是他开始整理(tidy)房间(put back,把......放回原处. 这时珍妮进来告诉他那真是一场大火),夜间三百间房被烧毁并且火还在继续.

3. 法衣:他穿著法衣(gown),周围还有许多同行. 他朝记者们(journalists)走去,跟他们握了握手. 他们打趣,大笑,显得非常自如,直到法庭上铃响为止. 大家各就各位. 我的律师朝我走来,跟我握手,嘱咐我回答问题要简短,不要主动说话,

4. gown

4. 长外衣,长袍:governor 节制器,调节器 | gown 长外衣,长袍 | grade 等级,度

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • She bought an evening gown for the party.
  • I went downstairs in my dressing gown.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Put on this gown and this beard; make him believe thou art..the curate.

    出自:Twelfth Night,Shakespeare
  • A scholar, in my cap and gown.

    出自:W. M. Praed
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的goune,意为松长袍。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Hepburns wears an evening gown in 1961.(1961年,赫本身着晚礼服。)
The priest fumbled in the folds of his gown.(这位牧师胡乱地整了整长袍上的褶皱。)
She finally found the perfect gown, a beautiful creation trimmed with lace.(她最终找到了那件完美的大衣,款式漂亮、饰有花边。)
I was shoehorning myself into my skin-tight ball gown.(我正拼命把自己塞进我的紧身晚礼服里。)
I always see myself as someone who can see and sometimes see myself in a beautiful wedding gown.(我总是把自己当成一个还没失明的人,有的时候我还看到自己穿着漂亮的结婚礼服。)
Her gown was very French and very chic.(她的礼服是地道的法国风格,非常时髦有品位。)
She looked incredibly sexy in a black evening gown.(她穿着黑色的晚礼服,显得性感极了。)
Today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity.(如今结婚礼服的基调是素雅。)
The wedding gown is being modelled for us by the designer's daughter.(结婚礼服正由设计者的女儿穿在身上给我们看。)
Mrs. Darling had come in, wearing her white evening-gown.(达琳太太进来了,穿着她的白色晚礼服。)
gown是什么意思 gown在线翻译 gown什么意思 gown的意思 gown的翻译 gown的解释 gown的发音 gown的同义词