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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:53:27



英 [ˈgrænɪt]

美 [ˈɡrænɪt]


形容词: granitic

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  • 花岗石
  • 花岗岩
  • 坚韧不拔
  • 坚如磐石
  • 坚毅
  • 冷酷无情
  • [U]花岗岩,花岗石 a hard grey rock,used for building and making roads


1. something having the quality of granite (unyielding firmness)

e.g. a man of granite

2. plutonic igneous rock having visibly crystalline texture
generally composed of feldspar and mica and quartz

1. 花岗石;花岗岩
Granite is a very hard rock used in building.



1. 花岗石:花岗石:( granite)商业上指以花岗岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括各类岩浆岩和花岗质的变质岩,一般质地较硬. 人造石: 商业上指以碎石子、石粉和改性树脂生产的一种仿花岗石

2. granite是什么意思

2. 花冈岩:同时火成岩之晶体,因结晶时在地下之深度不一亦有粗细之别;将此分别代表深浅之粗细做为矿物成分以外之另一分类依据,火成岩可分成如次之种类:晶体粗大之酸性火成岩为花冈岩(Granite),细小至肉眼不能辨识者为流纹岩(Rhyolite

3. 工程地质及勘察花岗岩:2. 工程地质及勘察海相沉积marine deposit | 2. 工程地质及勘察花岗岩granite | 2. 工程地质及勘察滑坡landslide

  • 常用例句

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  • His grave is made of granite.
  • His countenance expressed neither the..tenderness of the saint nor the granite severity of the prophet.

    出自:Daily Chronicle
The King's sarcophagus is made of red granite, as are the interior walls of the King's Chamber.(国王的石棺是用红色的花岗岩做成,墓室的内墙用的也是这种材料。)
What were the vast arched entryways and the pink granite detailing?(宽阔的拱形入口和粉色的花岗岩装饰又是什么?)
Do you hope to have your face carved upon 50 ft of granite rock?(你希望自己的面容被雕刻在50英尺高的花岗岩上吗?)
The towers are made of steel cased in granite.(这些塔楼是钢结构,花岗岩贴面。)
We have our own quarries: Oriental Cherry Red Quarry and Yellow Rust Granite Quarry.(我们有自己的采石场:樱花红采石场和黄锈花岗岩采石场。)
Pink sandstone elephants stand to attention on granite plinths. Fountains leap, as more elephants squirt jets of water.(花岗岩底座上整齐地立着几只粉色砂岩大象。更多的大象喷出一串串水流,引起喷泉跃动。)
After 20 minutes of climbing, we emerge on the granite highland.(经过20分钟的攀登,花岗岩高地上浮现出两个人的身影。)
Wood worked for 3 years on the design to remove the granite walls and replace them with marble.(伍德设计了三年,把花岗岩墙壁换成了大理石。)
Baby, you're so gneiss I'll never take you for granite.(宝贝,你是如此的片麻岩,我永远不会把你当花岗岩的。)
Azure water, golden sand beaches, granite peaks and tumbling waterfalls make this region a photographer's heaven.(蔚蓝的水,金色的沙滩,花岗岩山峰和翻滚的瀑布使该地区成为摄影师的天堂。)
granite是什么意思 granite在线翻译 granite什么意思 granite的意思 granite的翻译 granite的解释 granite的发音 granite的同义词