英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:53:48



英 [ˈgreɪpvaɪn]

美 [ˈɡrepˌvaɪn]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 葡萄藤
  • 传闻
  • 小道消息
  • 消息途径
  • 秘密来源
  • 葡萄树
  • 葡萄蔓状滑步
  • 缠腿
  • 谣言
  • 小道消息的流传
  • 秘密情报的口头传递
  • 一种花式滑冰的动作
  • 一种摔跤动作
  • 通过小道消息
  • 根据传闻
  • 秘密情报网


1. gossip spread by spoken communication

e.g. the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth

Synonym: pipelineword of mouth

2. any of numerous woody vines of genus Vitis bearing clusters of edible berries

Synonym: grapegrape vine

1. 小道消息;传闻
If you hear or learn something on the grapevine, you hear it or learn it in casual conversation with other people.

e.g. He'd doubtless heard rumours on the grapevine...
e.g. I had heard through the grapevine that he was quite critical of what we were doing.

2. 葡萄藤
A grapevine is a climbing plant on which grapes grow.

1. 葡萄藤:导演:戴维.弗兰克[David Frankel]:今年只有42岁的戴维.弗兰克出生于纽约,是一个集编导兼制作的全能电视人,他的作品包括:2000年制片兼编剧和导演的<>(Grapevine),1998年导演的<>(Sex and the City)和<>(From the Earth to the Moon),

2. grapevine

2. 交叉步:向左侧交叉步(grapevine)两臂前后摆动. 右脚原地小跳四次,同时左腿摆至侧下举、右前下举、左侧下举、还原.

3. 小道消息:他不仅属于组织中不同的部门,而且在级别上他要高许多. 这样的交流就是越级交流. 非正式的网络前面讨论的网络都是集中在正式交通网络上. 现在让我们来看一看非正式的网络,特别是小道消息(Grapevine)的传播.

4. grapevine的翻译

4. 侧交叉步:一般采用2个动作以4-8-4或12-4的组合方式,如:侧并步(step touch)和侧交叉步(Grapevine),可按以下方式组合:这里是指重复单侧身体动作以后才换到反方向.

  • 经典引文

  • Contacts who had heard, on the grapevine, that he was looking for work.

    出自:T. Heald
  • The grapevine says I'm finished.

    出自:J. Heller
  • The 'grapevine' is a loose association of active birders who keep in touch by passing on news of rare and interesting birds.

    出自:Bird Watching
Of course, the second speaker does not mean he heard the news about John by putting his ear to a grapevine!(当然,第二个谈话者并不是说,他把耳朵贴在葡萄藤上才听到这个关于约翰的消息的!)
The grapevine that produces the best wines often thrived in barren fields.(酿顶级萄葡酒的萄葡藤,都是从最贫瘠的土壤中生长出来。)
I learned through the grapevine that you are engaged.(我从别处听说你订婚了。)
The server-based mechanism is the fruit of the Grapevine project from IBM Research.(基于服务器的机制是IBMResearch的Grapevine项目的成果。)
Why should we trouble to believe all grapevine news?(我们何苦要去相信这些小道消息呢?。)
I heard the story through the grapevine.(那个故事我是从小道消息听到的。)
In many organizations the 'grapevine' probably plays, on the whole, a constructive role.(在很多组织中,“小道消息”基本上还可能扮演着一种建设性的角色。)
You must have heard it through the grapevine.(你一定是道听途说。)
I heard on the grapevine that you're leaving.(我听小道消息说你要离开。)
Spanning the entire front of what is now called the Old Vine House, the grapevine was trellised and healthy.(葡萄藤被格子架架着,长势很不错,古藤屋的前排整个都是她的天下。)
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