英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈpaɪplaɪn]

美 [ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn]



过去式: pipelined 过去分词: pipelined 现在分词: pipelining 第三人称单数: pipelines

  • 详情解释

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  • 管道
  • 导管
  • 输油管
  • 渠道
  • 路线
  • 输送管
  • 建设管线
  • 输气管道
  • 输送管线
  • 管线
  • 用导管输送
  • 用管道输送
  • 为…装管道


1. a pipe used to transport liquids or gases

e.g. a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport

Synonym: line

2. gossip spread by spoken communication

e.g. the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth

Synonym: grapevineword of mouth

1. (常指埋于地下的石油或燃气)管道,管线
A pipeline is a large pipe which is used for carrying oil or gas over a long distance, often underground.

e.g. A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.

2. 在筹备中;在进行中
If something is in the pipeline, it has already been planned or begun.


e.g. Already in the pipeline is a 2.9 per cent pay increase for teachers.

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1. in the pipeline : 在途中, 在进行中;


Pipeline steel adopting the spicular ferrite owns the better properties of forming.(采用针状铁素体的管线钢具有较好的成形性能。)
The main pipeline supplying water was sabotaged by rebels.(主供水管道被叛乱分子故意破坏了。)
Yet the commercial and strategic case for either pipeline is weak.(然而两条管道的商业和战略理由都不充分。)
I feel extremely confident in our product pipeline.(我对我们的产品充满信心。)
Recently they have laid an underground pipeline.(他们最近铺了一条地下管道。)
A water pipeline restored water 128 days later.(直到128天后,一条运水管道建成。)
Russia has another pipeline to play with: OPAL.(俄罗斯还有另一天然气管道项目欧泊(OPAL)可供考虑。)
These templates are crucial for the pipeline to function properly.(要使管道正常工作,这些模板是至关重要的。)
Aside from the Petroline (East-West Saudi Pipeline), Saudi Arabia has also been looking at alternative transit routes.(除了原油管线(东西方沙特管道),沙特阿拉伯还在寻找其他的运输路线。)
It then ships the gas 200 miles by pipeline to Canada, where it is pumped underground in oil recovery operations.(然后它通过管道将天然气输送到200英里外的加拿大,在那里的地下压泵进行采油作业。)
pipeline是什么意思 pipeline在线翻译 pipeline什么意思 pipeline的意思 pipeline的翻译 pipeline的解释 pipeline的发音 pipeline的同义词