英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:06:50



英 [grəˈneɪd]

美 [ɡrəˈned]


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  • (手)榴弹,枪榴弹
  • 灭火弹
  • 催泪弹
  • 毒气弹
  • 格雷纳德(音译名)
  • 扔手榴弹,用手榴弹袭击



1. a small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile

1. 手榴弹;榴弹
A grenade or a hand grenade is a small bomb that can be thrown by hand.

e.g. A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol.

1. 手榴弹:●手榴弹(Grenade)在指挥官研发完成后,将成为陆战队的基本配备. 异形主巢. 在这个一盖下去被异形(Aliens)发现之后,想当然一定会被猛二号武器:酸性气体(Heal) 具有治疗的功能,可以帮你面前的建筑物或四号武器:蜘蛛丝(Web) 可以在短时间内困住碰到的人类,

2. 榴弹:外军资料里手榴弹(grenade)和手雷(ham bomb)是两个完全不同的词. 只要从手里扔出去的小型榴弹(grenade)就是手榴弹. 只要从手里扔出去的小型榴弹(grenade)就是手榴弹. 只要从手里扔出去的小型榴弹(grenade)就是手榴弹.

3. grenade是什么意思

3. 手雷:狙击姿势在某些场合总会派上用场, 比如远距离杀掉那些还没发现你的飞行的怪物, 或者消灭试图接近你的怪物; 又或者杀掉一些的掠夺者(ravagers)当你不想与它们接近战, 让它们在你周围跳来跳去.手雷(Grenade)系和精确打击(Precis

4. grenade是什么意思

4. 格林纳达:在1973年以阿战争(Arab-sraelar)之后曾成立了两个营,第三营则是在1984年他们成功的格林纳达(Grenade)之役后加入. 1987年这些营整编为第75步兵团(游骑兵),并继承了游骑兵单位在二次大战期间所获得之血统与荣耀.

In addition to this ability, the recon will also have a smoke grenade ability, which will slow and disorient enemies caught in it, as well as making them miss their attacks.(除了这个技能,侦查还有烟雾弹技能,这将减缓并迷惑怪物,并造成攻击丢失。)
A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol.(一颗手榴弹被扔向陆军巡逻队。)
The antitank SPG-9 "Kopyo" (" Spear ") grenade machine is not an automatic but recoilless gun. It consists of a trunk with a lock, a tripod stand and an electric mechanism which serves for firing.(这种反坦克spg-0“Kopyo”飞弹机是非自动无后座力炮,包含一个带锁箱,一个三脚架和一个开火用的电气机械装置。)
Corporal Jason Dunham covered the grenade with a helmet and the helmet with his body.(下士杰森。邓翰用头盔和顶着头盔的肉身掩护了战友。)
IT TOOK several anxious days, and a lethal grenade attack, for Thailand's warring sides to reach a tentative peace deal.(数日焦燥不安,一起致死爆炸。其后,泰国对抗双方达成临时和平协议。)
Unscanned, unsearched, my satchel could easily have held the odd grenade or an anthrax-stuffed lunchbox.(没有扫描,没有搜查,我的背包里很容易就能装下那些奇怪的手榴弹或炭疽填充的午餐盒。)
Maintaining his situational awareness, Staff Sgt. Miller immediately jumped into his vehicle's turret and engaged the enemy with its mounted MK19 40mm automatic grenade launcher.(意识到处境不妙,米勒上士立即跳进他的汗马车炮塔里,抓起MK19式40毫米自动榴弹发射器,向游击队展开猛烈轰击。)
A bank of four electrically operated smoke grenade launchers is mounted either side of the forward part of the raised superstructure.(银行四个电动烟幕弹发射器安装任何一方的前方部分募集上层建筑。)
The XM29 was intended to be a shoulder-fired, semi-automatic grenade launcher in 20 mm calibre and to incorporate a compact, lightweight 5.56 mm rifle as a back-up weapon.(XM29确定为一种抵肩射击,20毫米口径单发自动榴弹发射器并结合一个紧凑型,重量轻的5.56毫米步木仓做为后备武器。)
Now, I can have a M203 (an overunder M16 grenade launcher) which is not crew-served.(现在,我可以拥有M203(M16双筒上下重叠的榴弹发射器)了,不需要乘员就可以使用。)
grenade是什么意思 grenade在线翻译 grenade什么意思 grenade的意思 grenade的翻译 grenade的解释 grenade的发音 grenade的同义词