英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:57:24



英 [gru:v]

美 [ɡruv]


v.开槽;使 ... 快活

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过去式: grooved 过去分词: grooved 现在分词: grooving 第三人称单数: grooves

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  • 沟,槽
  • 常规,老一套
  • 习惯, 惯例
  • 【印】字沟
  • 顶呱呱的东西
  • 称心的东西
  • 快活的经历
  • 辙, 车辙
  • 最佳状态,得心应手的状态
  • 纹(道)
  • 沟纹
  • 成规
  • 使人愉快的东西
  • 适合能力和兴趣的职位
  • 用沟连接
  • (使)陷入常规
  • 使极快活,玩得痛快
  • 尽情享受, 极度享受,得到极大的享受
  • 被槽连接,被配上槽
  • 形成沟槽,在…上开出沟,在...作槽,在...挖沟, 开槽于
  • 灌(唱片)
  • 喜爱,欣赏,对…感到津津有味
  • 开(切,套,铣)槽
  • 做企口于
  • 在…上刻纹
  • 使感到愉快,使兴奋,令人愉快
  • 和谐相处,相得益彰
  • [C]沟,槽 a long thin cut
  • [C]唱片上的纹路 spiral cut on a gramophone disc for needle or stylus
  • [C]老一套; 常规 rut


1. a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape

e.g. they fell into a conversational rut

Synonym: rut

2. (anatomy) any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or part

Synonym: vallecula

3. a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record)

Synonym: channel


1. hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove

e.g. furrow soil

Synonym: furrowrut

2. make a groove in, or provide with a groove

e.g. groove a vinyl record

1. 沟;槽;辙
A groove is a deep line cut into a surface.

e.g. Their wheels left grooves in the ground.

2. (流行音乐的)节奏
In popular music, a groove is a rhythm.

e.g. ...Latin and African grooves.

1. groove

1. 车辙:一飞火( Fireflight ) 五位飞行战士之一空袭( Air raid ) 五位飞行战士之一守护神/保卫者( Defensor ) 合体型巨型战士热点( Hot Spot ) 五位急救战士之一大街( Streetwise ) 五位急救战士之一车辙( Groove ) 五位急救战士之一


2. 花纹沟:大斜度单导向花纹沟(Groove) 提高湿地操作性能. Wide Treat Width设计宽大提高操纵性能及制动性能. 三种变节距(Pitch)的合理安排能最大限度的降低噪音. Bead加强材料,高速旋转时提高侧面强度,提高高速行驶性能

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  • 经典引文

    单调乏味的in a unchanging job or way of life

1. in the groove : 处于最佳状态;

  • Wheels leave grooves in a dirt road.
  • The needle has jumped several grooves.
  • They're happy to stay in the same old groove.
用作名词 (n.)
  • He formed a number of circular grooves on the cylindrical part of the bullet.

    出自:W. Greener
  • A drawer side needs a groove for the runner.

    出自:Practical Woodworking
  • In these holes are threads of Screws grooved inwards.

    出自:R. Holme
  • What a face he saw, how grooved with woe and age.

    出自:S. Bellow
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 1400年进入英语,直接源自中古荷兰语的groeve,意为沟,槽。
Living as if you are happily in a relationship puts you in the groove of love.(好像你正处于一段非常开心的浪漫关系中一样的生活。)
For many runners, that's the incentive they need to get back in the groove.(对于许多跑者来说,这正是他们摆脱瓶颈所需的动力。)
I close my eyes to groove on the music.(我闭上眼睛尽情享受音乐。)
I am now falling into the groove of being raw but there is one area where I am being easy on myself.(我现在正进入纯素生食主义的最佳状态。但有一个领域让我有些放纵自己。)
Groove Virtual Office is available at no cost for personal use or 60-day business evaluation.(Groove虚拟办公室可供个人免费使用,商务使用则可以有60天的评估使用期。)
My life seems to be in a groove, I do the same things day after day.(我的生活似乎很单调,我日复一日地做着同样的事情。)
An incision is made along the floor of the bicipital groove.(沿肱骨沟的底部切开一个切口。)
Turns out that the venom’s viscosity keeps it nestled in the groove.(原来,是毒液的粘性使其滞留在导流槽里的。)
It seems like whenever I get into a really good running groove, I come down with a cold that forces me to slow down my training.(似乎每当我进入一个非常好的跑步状态时,我就会因为感冒而不得不放慢速度。)
Listing 3. Directory listing of the groove context.(清单3.groove上下文的目录列表。)
groove是什么意思 groove在线翻译 groove什么意思 groove的意思 groove的翻译 groove的解释 groove的发音 groove的同义词