英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ɡrəʊn ʌp]

美 [ˈɡronˌʌp]




  • 词典解释

The spelling grownup is also used. The syllable up is not stressed when it is a noun. 亦拼作grownup,用作名词时up不重读。

1. (用作儿语)成年人,大人
A grown-up is an adult; used by or to children.

e.g. Jan was almost a grown-up...
e.g. Tell children to tell a grown-up if they're being bullied.

2. 成熟的;成年的;长大的
Someone who is grown-up is physically and mentally mature and no longer depends on their parents or another adult.

e.g. I have grown-up children who're doing well.

3. 似成人的;成熟的
If you say that someone is grown-up, you mean that they behave in an adult way, often when they are in fact still a child.

e.g. She's very grown-up.

4. 适于成人的;成人的
Grown-up things seem suitable for or typical of adults.

e.g. Her songs tackle grown-up subjects...
e.g. She talked in a grown-up manner.

  • 经典引文

  • People who have learnt the alphabet late, when already grown-up.

    出自:A. Koestler
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.grown-up

Go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden.

走到外面, 制定一个计划, 把你童年的记忆转化成你长大后的花园。


Not all men are grown-up.(并不是所有的男人都成熟。)
He's a grown-up now.(他现在是成年人了。)
I've grown up that way.(我就是那样长大的。)
The child was clearly puzzled at being addressed in such a grown-up way.(这孩子显然对别人用这种成年人的方式称呼他感到纳闷。)
Her children have grown up.(她的孩子已经长大了。)
When I was nine or ten someone explained to me that when you are grown up you have to work.(在我9岁或10岁的时候,有人跟我解释说,人长大之后必须工作。)
Maybe I have grown up.(也许是我长大了。)
What do you want to be when you're grown-up?(你长大后想做什么?)
Now I have grown up.(现在我长大了。)
They have three grown-up sons.(他们有三个成年的儿子。)
grown-up是什么意思 grown-up在线翻译 grown-up什么意思 grown-up的意思 grown-up的翻译 grown-up的解释 grown-up的发音 grown-up的同义词