英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:58:22


英 [ˈgrʌdʒɪŋ]

美 [ˈɡrʌdʒɪŋ]



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1. petty or reluctant in giving or spending

e.g. a niggardly tip

Synonym: niggardlyscrimy

2. of especially an attitude

e.g. gave grudging consent
grudging acceptance of his opponent's victory

1. 勉强的;不情愿的
A grudging feeling or action is felt or done very unwillingly.

e.g. He even earned his opponents' grudging respect...
e.g. There seems to be a grudging acceptance of the situation.

The film studio grudgingly agreed to allow him to continue working.

1. 不愿的:grudge 不给予 | grudging 不愿的 | grue 发抖

2. grudging的意思

2. 不愿的/勉强的:grudge /吝给/吝啬/不愿给/嫉妒/遗恨/怨恨/恶意/罅/ | grudging /不愿的/勉强的/ | grudgingly /不愿意地/不情愿地/

3. grudging的解释

3. 吝惜的:grateful 感谢的,令人愉快的 | grudge 不愿给,妒忌 | grudging 吝惜的

4. 勉强的:circumstantiality 细节 | grudging 勉强的 | contention 争论

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I'd given one man and thought it too much, while he gave four without grudging them.(我献出一个人便思前想后,他献出了四个却毫无怨言。)
He even earned his opponents' grudging respect.(他甚至令对手也不得不尊重他。)
The public mood is also one of grudging assent, if not exactly fervent support.(如果公众不是特别支持也不会有强烈的反对。)
Being poor white they were not even accorded the grudging respect that Angus Macintosh's dour independence wrung from neighboring families.(他们是穷白人,甚至还不如安格斯·麦金托什,因为后者总算还能以倔强的独立性争取到邻居们勉强的尊敬。)
His clients can be divided into two camps - the enthusiastic and the grudging, White House staff members say.(根据白宫工作人员的说法,他的客户可以分为两个阵营——热情派和不情不愿派。)
Animosity had given way first to grudging concessions of admiration and then to worried solicitude for Lindbergh's safety Warren Trabant.(敌意首先向敬意做了不情愿的妥协,接着对林柏格安全的担心做了让步。(华伦·特拉班特)。)
Progress by developers in cleaning up after themselves tends to win only grudging approval.(开发商采完油后清除污染的进步举动往往只获得了勉强的认可。)
One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.(他们挨个儿走上前去,咕哝出几句欢迎词,尴尬地鞠躬致礼。)
Mice are not smart animals, but I cede a grudging respect at being outwitted in this manner.(鼠辈并非机敏动物,但在这件事上其智商在我之上倒也让我佩服。)
For 15 days they fought pitched battles - "very bloody," by Esarhaddon's grudging admission.(战斗打了整整15天——以至于以撒汉顿都不得不承认“太血腥了”。)
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