A lock reading with details of the entry to guestroom is made for the Security Manager for investigation.(读取门锁开启纪录给保安部经理作为调查依据。)
Guests can enjoy in-room spa services upon request, allowing for rejuvenation in the comfort of one's own guestroom.(客人可以享受水疗服务要求的房间,可以在自己的客房舒适的复兴。)
George showed me to the guestroom which, he said, was rarely used.(乔治把我领进客房,说这间很少使用。)
Take in the jaw-dropping skyline or river views from a spacious guestroom or suite, or recline in a private serviced apartment.(以令人瞠目结舌的天际线或河流从宽敞的客房或套房的观点,或斜倚在一个私人公寓。)
First, some hotels don't provide photos of guestrooms, let alone each type of guestroom.(第一,一些酒店并未提供客房的图片,更不用说还分酒店客房的类型提供图片。)
If the accident occurred in the guestroom and the victim is accompanied by a friend or relative, a change of room should be offered.(如果事故发生在客房,受害者有朋友或亲戚陪同,则可以允许其对房间内设施的变更。)
How many complimentary bottles of mineral water in the guestroom? How shall we handle if the guest requests more bottles?(客房内提供几瓶免费矿泉水?当客人要求更多的免费矿泉水时,我们可以提供多少?)
For a quiet night in, enjoy Dain's fine cuisine in the comfort of your own boutique guestroom.(一个宁静的夜晚,享受美妙的美食在自己的精品客房的舒适。)
Each guestroom features an LCD flat-screen television, wireless Internet access, and more.(每个客房都设有一个液晶平板电视,无线上网,和更多。)
The core concept of the Guestroom design is a contrast of light and dark.(客房设计的核心概念是明暗对比。)
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