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更新时间:2025-03-24 15:12:14
  • 英英释义

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gypsy moth


1. European moth introduced into North America
a serious pest of shade trees

Synonym: gipsy mothLymantria dispar

1. gypsy moth

1. 舞毒蛾:欧亚舞毒蛾(gypsy moth)自1869年偶然进入美国后在整个美国的扩散,是人们最为熟悉的、最有戏剧性的关于生物入侵的例子之一. 这样的入侵是对世界生态系统稳定性的一大威胁. Johnson等人以舞毒蛾入侵为模型,


2. (美国东北部)共和党温和派:green berets (美国)特种部队 | gypsy moth (美国东北部)共和党温和派 | hawk 鹰派,好战派,持强硬路线者

3. gypsy moth是什么意思

3. 舞蛾:Gynutoclinus 燕魟亞科 | gypsy moth 舞蛾 | GYRINIDAE 鼓豆蟲科

4. 午毒蛾:gypsum-vermiculite plaster ==> 石膏蛭石灰浆 | gypsy moth ==> 午毒蛾 | gypsy wheel ==> 锚链轮=>スプロケット

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The species' density of the gypsy moth will be controlled under economic permitted level.(终将舞毒蛾的种群密度控制在经济允许水平之下。)
In stands dominated by trees such as aspen, however, incipient gypsy moth outbreaks are quickly suppressed by viral epidemics.(然而,在以白杨等树为主的林分,最初的舞毒蛾爆发很快就被病毒流行病所抑制。)
The gypsy moth is also subject to attack by the nucleopolyhedrosis virus, or wilt disease, a particularly important killer of the caterpillars in outbreak years.(舞毒蛾还会受到核多角体病毒或萎蔫病的攻击,在毛虫爆发的年代,这是一种特别重要的杀手。)
Spiders also attack the much-feared gypsy moth.(蜘蛛也袭击令人害怕的舞毒蛾。)
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