英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈswɪndl]

美 [ˈswɪndl]



名词: swindler 过去式: swindled 过去分词: swindled 现在分词: swindling 第三人称单数: swindles

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 骗取
  • 诈骗
  • 诈取
  • 欺骗
  • 诓骗
  • 骗取钱财
  • 行骗
  • 诈骗行为
  • 欺骗行为
  • 骗人的东西
  • 诈骗
  • 骗取
  • 骗局
  • 欺骗
  • 冒牌货
  • 冒名顶替者
  • 上当
  • 以假乱真
  • 欺诈
  • 骗术
  • 诈取
  • 斯温德尔(音译名)


1. the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme

e.g. that book is a fraud

Synonym: cheatrig



1. deprive of by deceit

e.g. He swindled me out of my inheritance
She defrauded the customers who trusted her
the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change

Synonym: victimizerookgoldbricknobblediddlebuncodefraudscammulctgypgiphornswoggleshort-changecon

1. 诈骗,骗取,欺诈(尤指钱财)
If someone swindles a person or an organization, they deceive them in order to get something valuable from them, especially money.


e.g. A City businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds...
e.g. An oil executive swindled £50,000 out of his firm.
一名石油公司主管从其公司骗取了 5 万英镑。

Swindlers have cheated investors out of £2 million.
诈骗犯们已经骗取了投资者 200 万英镑。

1. swindle的解释

1. 诈骗:这类人物中文对应单词意义明显,容易与人物特征联系起来,故取英文直译,如铲车,吊钩(hook),诈骗(swindle),旋风(vortex),钢锁(grimlock)等第7组也就是最困难的一组,这组里面的英文名字都是经过精心杜撰的,完全没有办法找到靠近的词汇直接表达,

2. 诈骗史云度:旋风 维迪斯 Vortex | 吵闹 喧哗 Brawl | 诈骗 史云度 Swindle

3. swindle在线翻译

3. 行骗:swimsuit 游泳衣 | swindle 行骗 | swindler 骗子

4. 诈取,骗取:Swerve 急转弯,偏斜 | Swindle 诈取,骗取 | Harass 折磨,骚扰

  • 经典引文

  • Accusing the outgoing Government of all kinds of swindling and corruption.

    出自:C. Achebe
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Honest merchants do not swindle their customers.(诚实的商人不欺骗他们的顾客。)
He tried to swindle the insurance company.(他企图诈骗保险公司。)
It is nothing more or less than a swindle.(这完完全全是一个骗局。)
That so - called sale is a scheme to swindle the customer.(那场所谓的大贱卖是一个欺诈顾客的骗局。)
I turned in my swindle sheet yesterday, and no one challenged the $400 for new shoes.(我昨天报了支出单据,没有人对我花400美元买新鞋提出异议。)
It means about half the money lost in the swindle will ultimately be recouped.(这就意味着被诈骗的一半的钱将最终被收回。)
The big bank swindle involved a lot of people.(许多人与这起诈骗银行的大案有牵连。)
Let it swindle you; it's part of the fun.(就让它骗你一次;因为这很有趣。)
He fled to Switzerland rather than face trial for a tax swindle.(他不去面对骗税的审判而是逃到了瑞士。)
The advertisement is a real swindle.(这广告纯醉是骗人的东西。)
swindle是什么意思 swindle在线翻译 swindle什么意思 swindle的意思 swindle的翻译 swindle的解释 swindle的发音 swindle的同义词