英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈhægəd]

美 [ˈhægərd]




副词: haggardly 名词: haggardness

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  • 憔悴的
  • 形容枯槁的
  • 野性的
  • 发狂似的
  • 不驯服的
  • 未驯服的
  • 疲惫的
  • 消瘦的
  • 样子凶暴的
  • 难驯服的
  • 成年被捕的
  • 瘦削的
  • 野的
  • 难驾驭的
  • 野生的
  • 野鹰
  • 未驯服的鹰
  • 悍鹰
  • 哈格德
  • 哈葛德(Sir Henry Rider1856-1925英国小说家)

1. (尤指因病或睡眠不足)憔悴的,形容枯槁的,困倦的
Someone who looks haggard has a tired expression and shadows under their eyes, especially because they are ill or have not had enough sleep.


e.g. He was pale and a bit haggard...
e.g. Nick glanced around at the haggard faces watching him.

1. 亡灵守护神/狂野之鹰:Green Day 绿日 | Haggard 亡灵守护神/狂野之鹰 | Heart 心

2. 野鹰:haggadist 哈加达的作者 | haggard 野鹰 | haggardness 憔悴


3. 憔悴的,消瘦的:scabbard (刀、剑)鞘,枪套 | haggard 憔悴的,消瘦的 | laggard 缓慢的,落后的,n. 落后者

4. 新古典:新古典:Ataraxia,STOA,Rosegarden funeral of sores,Haggard | 中世纪民谣:Argine,Arcanta,Schandmaul,Ordo Equitum Solis | 实验,独立:Sainkho Namtchylak,Blonde Redhead

  • 经典引文

  • The corn was gathered, and in one or two haggards the threshing mills were set up.

    出自:P. Kavanagh
  • The oppressive, demanding wife.., the grim-faced haggard who did not understand.

    出自:M. French
  • His face was haggard, his whole aspect was that of grim and hopeless misery.

    出自:H. James
  • Her face..was well-lined but not haggard.

    出自:R. Hoggart
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Now you see so haggard, I will not have a love dearly.(现在的你看到那么憔悴的我,会不会有一丝的心疼。)
She was looking very haggard and worn.(她看上去非常憔悴而疲倦。)
You lean, haggard, please allow me a million times care and long winded.(你瘦了,憔悴了,请允许我千万次的关心和啰嗦。)
Old solitary figure, one to the right and left, a stretched a recall of haggard, more walk more light.(旧年孤单的身影,一个向左,一个向右,拉长着回忆的憔悴,越走越淡。)
There’s always been this observation that people under great stress appear to be care-worn. They look haggard, right?(长期以来,人们总能观察到这样的现象:经受强大精神压力的人都容易疲劳,看起来也很憔悴,对吧?)
Mirror Chang looked haggard, white-haired Qian Zhang.(镜中嫦娥,面容憔悴,白发千丈。)
I cry so haggard, not a little comfort.(何忍我这般憔悴,没有一点点安慰。)
The assistant Head of Wages turned a haggard face toward him.(薪资助理把头转向一只苍白的脸。)
Injury injury injury hurt several injuries, who also had become haggard for love.(伤伤伤伤伤了几次,也曾为爱变得憔悴。)
The Players: Carrie Prejean and Ted haggard.(凯莉·普雷让和泰德哈歌德。)
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