英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:02:40



英 [ˈhæmstrɪŋ]

美 [ˈhæmˌstrɪŋ]



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过去式: hamstrung 过去分词: hamstrung 现在分词: hamstringing 第三人称单数: hamstrings

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  • 腿筋
  • 腿后腱
  • 大肌腱
  • 后腿肌腱
  • 【解】腘
  • 【解】腿筋
  • 【动】后腿腱
  • 肌腱
  • 腿窝
  • 腿腱
  • 旁腱
  • 妨碍
  • 使不能正常工作
  • 切断腿后腱使成跛脚
  • 割断…的腿筋
  • 减弱…的活动能力
  • 削弱
  • 使残废
  • 使无能为力
  • 使不起作用
  • 割…断的腿腱以使残废
  • 削弱…的力量
  • 使无效


1. one of the tendons at the back of the knee

Synonym: hamstring tendon


1. cripple by cutting the hamstring

2. make ineffective or powerless

e.g. The teachers were hamstrung by the overly rigid schedules

1. 绳肌腱;腿筋
A hamstring is a length of tissue or tendon behind your knee which joins the muscles of your thigh to the bones of your lower leg.

e.g. Webster has not played since suffering a hamstring injury in the opening game.

2. 使无能为力;使陷入瘫痪
If you hamstring someone, you make it very difficult for them to take any action.


e.g. If he becomes the major opposition leader, he could hamstring a conservative-led coalition.

1. 肌腱:方法:将56例ACL重建术后的患者,分为A B两组,A组为同种异体肌腱组27例,B组为自体肌腱(hamstring)组29例. 分别在术后1天,6周,3个月,半年,9个月,12个月进行磁共振检查. 在斜矢状位上扫描观察比较两组骨隧道的信噪比的变化情况,

2. 腿筋:5个召唤极限 远古战士属性:存活时间24秒,750点生命,300点能量 远古战士能力:125-166点伤害先决条件:战斗专精一级 技能解锁:忽略痛楚(Ignore Pain)、腿筋(Hamstring)和狂热(Ardor) 等级 效用 1 1个充电阶级,

3. hamstring的近义词

3. 大腿后肌:3、 大腿后肌(Hamstring)将腿放于适合的高度,身体向前俯向腿部. 4、 内收肌(Adductors)坐下,背部保持伸直,把双脚屈曲如图所示. 5、 四头肌(Quadriceps)单脚站立,另一双脚弯曲向后,保持背部伸直. 在酷热及潮湿的天气下,

  • 经典引文

  • They were crawling along the roads on hands and knees, because they had been hamstrung.

    出自:T. H. White
  • I know of no creative person who was more hamstrung by his inability to write.

    出自:A. Storr
The Sunday Mirror says Arsenal skipper Fabregas will declare himself fit after hamstring problems for Tuesday's clash against Barcelona in the Nou Camp.(阿森纳队长塞斯克法布雷加斯将在欧冠联赛上与巴塞罗那发生冲突。)
The England forward picked up an injury in the 3-0 victory over Bolton on Saturday, but scans on his knee and hamstring revealed no serious damage.(这名英格兰球星在球队3-0战胜博尔顿的比赛中受伤,但检查显示他的膝盖和肌腱伤势并不严重。)
He felt a slight twinge in his damaged hamstring.(他感受到受伤的腘绳肌处有一阵轻微的剧痛。)
"I was a bit gutted, as I strained my hamstring again on Friday, " said Richards.(“我有点沮丧,因为我在周五再次拉伤了我的腿筋。”理查兹说。)
However, if you have an existing hamstring injury, be sure to introduce these poses gradually.(如果你已经有腘绳肌损伤,一定要循序渐进地进行这些练习。)
Sprinters pull this muscle more than distance runners, but as I discovered, even straining your hamstring can limit your ability to run fast.(短跑者比长跑者更多地使用这块肌肉,不过照我的观察如果后腿腱紧张也会限制你的速度。)
He lasted only four minutes of the game and scans revealed he had a torn hamstring and calf.(他那场只有四分钟的上场比赛后,经过扫描再次小腿肌肉韧带拉伤。)
Cycle through hamstring, quadricep, calf, lower back and shoulder stretches.(循环拉伸跟腱,股四头肌,小腿肌,后背的肌肉和肩部的肌肉。)
But there was better news about Rio Ferdinand, who could return from a hamstring injury by the end of August.(还好费迪南德的伤势很乐观,里奥大概八月底就能从他的腿筋伤势中恢复过来。)
Rooney is still recovering from the hamstring injury that sidelined him for Saturday's draw with Stoke and it is not clear when he will return.(因为肌腱拉伤的鲁尼还在康复中,这也是他缺席客场挑战巴斯托克城的原因,并且还不确定他何时能伤愈归队。)
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