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英 [ˈhɑ:bɪndʒə(r)]

美 [ˈhɑ:rbɪndʒə(r)]



过去式: harbingered 过去分词: harbingered 现在分词: harbingering 第三人称单数: harbingers

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1. something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone

Synonym: forerunnerpredecessorheraldprecursor


1. foreshadow or presage

Synonym: announceannunciateforetellherald

1. (尤指不祥的)先兆,预兆
Something that is a harbinger of something else, especially something bad, is a sign that it is going to happen.


e.g. The November air stung my cheeks, a harbinger of winter.

1. 先驱者:图文:<>(Harbinger)于2001年12月份推出中图在线消息:Silverback Entertainment 公司开发的游戏<>(Harbinger)是一款角色扮演游戏,该游戏将在2001年12月推出.

2. 黑曜石毁灭者:正中了黑曜石毁灭者(Harbinger)大招的单位不会变成弱智的Bug.* 修正了地穴编织者(Anub'seran)缩地时被攻击不会被活埋的Bug.* 修正了地穴编织者(Anub'seran)的观察者隐形的Bug.* 修正了沉默术士(Nortrom)会说话的Bug.* 修正了不朽尸王(Dirge)召唤的僵尸会死的Bug.* 修正修补匠(Tinker)对任何持有钢铁武器或者盔甲的英

3. 预兆:fare reduction 降价 | harbinger 预兆 | implicitly 暗含的

  • 经典引文

  • The mad daughter of the mad father was come as harbinger of doom.

    出自:L. Garfield
  • The first few pimples, harbingers of messy manhood.

    出自:J. Updike
  • The star that harbingers a glorious day.

What's happening in California is both a harbinger of things to come in other states and an amplification of a national trend.(加州所发生的这一切只是其他各州的一个先兆,也只是全国趋势的一个集中体现。)
Is it speculation run amok? Is it the result of excessive money creation, a harbinger of runaway inflation just around the corner? No and no.(是投机行为盛行?是因为货币发行过量?还是全球范围通货膨胀失控的先兆?不是,都不是。)
The town believed we were cursed, the fire a harbinger of our birth.(镇上的人认为我们是被诅咒的,大火是我们出生的预兆。)
Harbinger, perhaps, of a new battle plan.(或许,这预示着会有新的战斗计划。)
The etymology of the word harbinger is tied up in that “forerunner” meaning.(harbinger这个词的来源和“先行者”是联系在一起的。)
In itself, this was just an example of the Big Unfriendly Giant flexing its muscles, but it could be a harbinger of things to come.(例子本身只是说明这位不友善的巨人是如何展示他的肌肉的,但它也许可以被看作一个预兆。)
Like I said in my post after the Indian Wells final, I saw the event as a fluke rather than a harbinger.(印第安维尔斯之后,正如我在贴子中所说,我认为,此类事件,纯属偶然大于必然的事件。)
The desire to treat terrible events as the harbinger of the end of civilization itself also has roots in another human trait: vanity.(人们喜欢把危害事件看作是人类文明的终结的预兆,这种渴望也扎根于人类的另外一个特征:自负。)
The food cuts could be a harbinger to further cost-cutting; Deep Fried has heard that the building might be put up for sublease.(餐饮开支的削减只是一个更广泛成本削减的先兆,DeepFried已经听闻整栋大楼都将用于转租。)
Here, we have the Babinski sign as a harbinger of things to come.(在此,我们把巴宾斯奇迹象当作将要发生事情的预兆。)
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