英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:06:45
  • 单语例句

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1. Rising costs of raw materials such as cotton have become a headache to many businesses.

2. An experienced reflexologist can even tell if you have not slept well, or have a headache or digestion problems.

3. Housing prices have become a'big headache'for the government to ease despite repeated measures to cool the property market down.

4. Water shortages have been a headache for the capital since 1999, when Beijing and nearby areas experienced a severe drought.

5. Such cases have become a headache for judges, because buyers or sellers usually debate whether policy change should be regarded as force majeure.

6. NEW YORK - Most migraine sufferers have no idea when their next headache will strike, according to a survey of 900 people with the painful headaches.

7. Illegal fliers and advertising bills posted on buildings and wire poles have long been a headache for Beijing's urban management authorities.

8. This poses a big headache to the Net nannies who have their hearts set on eradicating every trace of homosexuality from the Web.

9. They have been admitted to a local hospital after they complained of headache and nausea.

10. You can't just say that you have a headache and pop a painkiller.

1. The patient takes hydrochloric acid 2 armour double guanidine piece 2 D appears namely nerve spirit is unusual symptom, systemic muscle quiver, hands or feet is spent gently shake large rope, walk shake, stand obstacle of flabby, thinking, absentminded, fretful angst, tinnitus, flustered, have a headache, dizziness.
患者服用盐酸二甲双胍片第2 d即出现神经精神异常症状,全身肌肉震颤、手脚轻度抖索、行走摇摆、站立不稳、思维障碍、精神恍惚、烦燥焦虑、耳鸣、心慌、头痛、头晕等。

2. I have a headache, nausea and vomiting.

3. have a headache是什么意思

3. Previous clinical studies have shown that Toutongling Capsule exerts a good effect on vascular headache, tonic headache and traumatic headache. To further explore its pharmacological mechanism, the effect of Toutongling Capsule on cerebral vessels and blood viscosity in experimental dogs was observed.

4. Toutongling Capsule is a Chinese herbal preparation developing from an ancient formula processed by modern technology. Previous clinical studies have shown that Toutongling Capsule exerts a good effect on vascular headache, tonic headache and traumatic headache.

5. Patient: i have had a headache in the last few months.

6. And i cannot have enough time to go travelling, which is really a big headache for me!!


7. I HAs a headache, and IT have a stomachache.

8. He would drain his cup with you one after another while telling you that he knows he is going to have a bad headache all the next day.


9. He would drain his cup with you one after another while telling you that he knows he is going to have a bad headache all the next day. So he goes along.

10. B: not very. i feel dizzy and i have a headache.

11. have a headache在线翻译

11. B: Not very. I f l dizzy and I have a headache.


12. Hello, I have a bad headache.

13. UNIT 12 I have a terrible headache.

14. My view: Different people have different views different people have different views, you or care about it are distinguish other people and the mark, calls anything not to matter, but usually named in the custom the people to like taking a resounding phrase to be called the upper opening, sounded the style, also some people liked being called an auspicious name chart jubilation, before the poor people liked taking a humble name, the view are the life hard good support, but took the matter which the name most had a headache is the duplicate, particularly the countryside, these old men for the so-called dignity, the younger generations do not with their duplicate, namely the so-called taboo
更详细的图片版,word版请到问医堂 b卷答案请到问医堂哦1。有人认为名字很重要,2。也有人认为无关紧要,我认为:仁者见仁智者见智,你要不在意它就是一个区别他人和符号,叫什么都无所谓,但通常取名来说习惯上人们喜欢取些响亮的字眼叫起来上口,听起来气派,也有些人喜欢叫些吉利的名字图个喜庆,以前穷人们喜欢取些低贱的名字,说法是命硬好养活,不过取名字最头疼的事是重名,尤其是农村,那些老头子们为了所谓的尊严,晚辈们不得和他们重名,即所谓避讳

15. Today I have a fever and suffer the headache!

16. have a headache在线翻译

16. I often have a headache because I watch screem for a long time.

17. have a headache是什么意思

17. It is so hard, i have a headache....

18. What thoughts I have of you tonight, walt whitman, for I walkded down the sidestreets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon.

19. Q% s Hello, I have a bad headache.

20. I have a terriblely headache and a runny nose.

Does it have a headache?(这让人头痛吗?)
The opposite of "Not tonight dear. I have a headache.(正好和“宝贝今晚不行,我头痛”的相反。)
I feel cold. I have a headache.(我觉得有点冷。我头疼。)
If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin.(如果我头痛,我就服一片阿斯匹林。)
Suddenly I have a headache.(我突然有点头痛。)
One day, I have a headache and a stomachache.(有一天,我头痛和胃痛。)
I must take your word that you have a headache.(我必须接受你说你头疼那些话。)
Susan: Oh. Now I really have a headache.(苏珊:哦,我现在是真的头疼了。)
I have a headache and feel chilly.(我头痛而且觉得很冷。)
I have a headache.(我头痛。)
have a headache是什么意思 have a headache在线翻译 have a headache什么意思 have a headache的意思 have a headache的翻译 have a headache的解释 have a headache的发音 have a headache的同义词