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更新时间:2025-03-10 15:11:07



英 [ˈheɪnəs]

美 [ˈhenəs]


副词: heinously 名词: heinousness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 可憎的
  • 凶恶的,极邪恶的
  • 极恶毒的
  • 道德败坏的
  • 大逆不道的
  • 极可耻的
  • 极可恨的,极可恶的,极坏的
  • 十恶不赦的


1. extremely wicked, deeply criminal

e.g. a flagitious crime
heinous accusations

Synonym: flagitious

1. 十恶不赦的;令人发指的
If you describe something such as a crime as heinous, you mean that it is extremely evil or horrible.

e.g. Her life has been permanently blighted by his heinous crime...
e.g. They are capable of the most heinous acts.

1. 可憎的:heinie 德国兵 | heinous 可憎的 | heinously 可憎地

2. 可憎的,十恶不赦的:hegemony 霸权,领导权 | heinous 可憎的,十恶不赦的 | heir 继承人


3. 可憎的, 极恶的 (形):heifer 小母牛 (名) | heinous 可憎的, 极恶的 (形) | heinously 可憎地; 可恨地; 极恶地 (副)


4. 可恶:471 wispy ......................纤细 微弱 | 472 heinous ......................可恶 | 473 Labrador 拉布拉多猎狗

  • 经典引文

  • Heinous offenders, whose crimes afford proof of an incorrigibly bad disposition.

    出自:R. Jebb
  • To refuse a stranger..food and shelter is a heinous crime.

    出自:E. Huxley
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Less heinous when the victims are the police, and Microsoft?(当受害人是警察和微软的时候,行为就不那么可恨了吗?)
Shenzhen police, this is a very heinous cases might chief instigator.(深圳警方透露,这是一个可能非常凶残的要案主凶。)
It is by far the most heinous and horrible thing that you can possibly imagine on there.(这是迄今最可恶和可怕的东西,你不可能想象那里。)
Fabricating data is a heinous scientific sin.(捏造数据是十恶不赦的科学之罪。)
Even the most heinous of crimes began when someone made a wrong choice and gave into temptation.(即使是最十恶不赦的罪行也是源于人们作出的错误的选择,屈服于诱惑。)
The signature achievement of England's patron saint, George, is dispatching one of the heinous creatures.(英格兰的守护神乔治的标志性成就便是派遣一个令人发指的动物。)
One of the more heinous crimes perpetrated by Microsoft is the introduction of the verb "to architect" into English.(Microsoft所犯的更可恶罪行之一是将动词“toarchitect”引入到英语。)
How else can we explain shocking, heinous, and antisocial ACTS of violence that strike fear in our hearts?(这些令人震惊、令人发指和反社会的暴力行为在我们心中造成的恐惧,我们应如何解释?)
They are capable of the most heinous acts.(他们能做出令人发指的事情来。)
I felt so guilty as if I was committing a heinous crime being depressed.(我感到非常羞愧,好像患上抑郁症是犯了涛天罪行。)
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