英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 12:36:11



英 [ˈhɜ:dzmən]

美 [ˈhɜ:rdzmən]


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  • 牧人
  • 【天】牧夫座
  • 牧民
  • 畜群所有者
  • 饲养员


1. someone who drives a herd

Synonym: herderdrover

1. 牧人
A herdsman is a man who looks after a herd of animals such as cattle or goats.

1. herdsman的解释

1. 牧马人:秋瑾 Qiu Jin: A Revolutionary (1983) | 牧马人 Herdsman (1982) | 天云山传奇 Legend of Tianyun Mountain (1980)

2. 牧者:herdic 赫狄克式马车 | herdsman 牧者 | here and there 各处

3. herdsman是什么意思

3. 牧人:239. herald: 传令官,先驱. | 240. herdsman: 牧人. | 241. heretic: 异教徒.

4. 牧牛人:claving interval 未受孕期;空懷期 | herdsman 牧牛人 | verterinarian 獸醫

A herdsman tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull-calf from the fold.(牧人在树林中放牛,不幸丢失了一头离群的小牛犊。)
You don’t need a humanistic education in order to become a herdsman.(要成为一个牧人,你不需要接受人文主义的教育。照料骆驼是一份微贱的工作,一点也不适合高度敏感的人,比如我自己。)
As a farmer in Hebei Province or a herdsman on the grassland in Inner Mongolia, what should we do to help achieving the goal?(做为河北省的一名普通农民或者是内蒙古草原上的一名普通牧民,怎样做才能帮助实现这个目标哪?)
The west side of every wood and rising ground gleamed like a boundary of Elysium, and the sun on our backs seemed like a gentle herdsman driving us home at evening.(西望林薮丘岗之际,彩焕烂然,恍若仙境沉睡一般,而我们背后的秋阳,仿佛一个慈祥的牧人,正趁薄暮时分,赶送我们归去。)
Each herdsman captures all the benefit from an extra animal but the cost of overgrazing is borne by all.(对每个牧民来说,多放牧一头牲口带来的好处都归自己所有,而过度放牧的成本则有所有牧民一起承担。)
Herdsman must help with what this will protect this belongings, abb!(牧民不得不用此来保护自己的救命财产—羊毛!)
But the subsidy of pastoral area and herdsman is passive and back-off.(而目前给牧区牧民的补贴是属于被动性补偿性补贴。)
However, there is no specific land acreage which influence on the life of peasants and herdsman how.(但是没有得出具体土地面积的变化对农牧民生活带来多大的影响。)
As a rational being, each herdsman seeks to maximize his gain.(作为理性人,每一个牧人都期望他的收益最大化。)
Man was a hunter, a herdsman, a farmer, a fighter.(男人是一个猎人,牧民,农民,战士。)
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