英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 15:14:28



英 [hɜ:ˈmetɪk]

美 [hɜ:rˈmetɪk]


副词: hermetically 异体字: hermetical

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1. completely sealed
completely airtight

1. 密封的;不透气的
If a container has a hermetic seal, the seal is very tight so that no air can get in or out.


e.g. This would permit air to enter, breaking the hermetic seal of the jar.

The batteries are designed to be leak-proof and hermetically sealed.

2. 与外界隔绝的;不受外界干扰的
You use hermetic to describe something which you disapprove of because it seems to be totally separate from other people and things in society.

e.g. Its film industry operates in its own curiously hermetic way...
e.g. Their work is more cosily hermetic than ever.

1. 海密梯克:大连海密梯克(Hermetic)泵业有限公司是生产无泄漏泵(屏蔽电泵和磁力泵)的世界领先企业,由大连大耐泵业有限公司和德国Hermetic Pumpen公司分别出资51%和49%合资兴建.

2. 密封的:培植 culturing | 密封的 hermetic | 带菌者 virus carrier

3. 密封的,不漏气的:heredity 遗传 | hermetic 密封的,不漏气的 | hermetic container 密闭容器

4. 气密的:herf 高能率成形 | hermetic 气密的 | herringbone gear 人字齿轮

  • 经典引文

  • A hermetic society, with ritual greetings, secret handgrips..and a jargon.

    出自:K. A. Porter
Transistors are available in a variety of hermetic and non-hermetic packages including balanced configurations.(晶体管可在一个密封和非密封包装,包括多种配置的平衡。)
Because the hermetic sealing weir reduces expenses the action, the gas of the entry hermetic sealing face is compressed, the gas press goes up.(由于密封堰的节流作用,进入密封面的气体被压缩,气体压力升高。)
Put a fly and a pile of shit in a big hermetic glass bottle.(把一只苍蝇和一坨屎放在一个密封的大玻璃瓶子里。)
Based on the theory ang practice, hermetic seal form in puming test is introduced, It has great meaning to design and application of puming test.(在理论和实践的基础上,介绍了泵水在水压试验中的密封形式,对泵水设计和使用有一定的指导意义。)
The solenoid valve is a necessary component of air-cooled semi-hermetic screw water chiller.(电磁阀是风冷螺杆冷水机组中必不可少的关键元件。)
And the parts of system design to the hermetic cabin and corresponding have carried on the technology explanation.(并对密封舱的总体设计和相应的部件进行了技术说明。)
It is used not only on and under ships, but also at the particular situation such as a hermetic cabin.(船厂通风技术使用面广,既有在船上,又有在船下,还有在密闭舱室等特殊场所。)
This ugly, vulgar, hard, hermetic, hardly eye-catching, hardly football style, yes it served the Dutch to unsettle Spain.(这丑陋、粗俗、难受、不可理喻、黯淡的风格不是足球所需要的。是的,荷兰队用它给西班牙制造了麻烦。)
In order to acquire a good hermetic seal between the diaphragm and the base plate, two sealing methods were used, namely, compound method and crystallite method.(研究了复合法和结晶法两种封接方式,使陶瓷基座与膜片达到良好的匹配封接。)
We also found on the back cover, by combining words at the top and bottom, a small but important reference to the hermetic adage(我们在封底也发现,把顶端和底部的单词结合起来,是一个小而重要的参考,提到了封闭的古谚。)
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