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英 [ˈhɪdiəs]

美 [ˈhɪdiəs]


副词: hideously 名词: hideosity

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  • 极其丑陋的;可怕的
  • 令人厌恶的;令人惊骇的,骇人听闻的
  • 讨厌的
  • 丑恶的
  • 奇形怪状的
  • 可憎恶的,可憎的
  • 粗俗的
  • 令人局促不安的;令人沮丧的
  • 骇人听闻地
  • 令人惊骇的 filling the mind with horror
  • 极其丑陋的 very ugly
  • 可怕的 frightful


1. so extremely ugly as to be terrifying

e.g. a hideous scar
a repulsive mask

Synonym: repulsive

2. grossly offensive to decency or morality
causing horror

e.g. subjected to outrageous cruelty
a hideous pattern of injustice
horrific conditions in the mining industry

Synonym: horridhorrificoutrageous

1. 极难看的;极丑的
If you say that someone or something is hideous, you mean that they are very ugly or unattractive.

e.g. She saw a hideous face at the window and screamed.
e.g. ...hideous new Europe architecture, and horrible metal sculptures.

2. (事件、经历或行动)极可恶的,非常痛苦的,令人难以忍受的
You can describe an event, experience, or action as hideous when you mean that it is very unpleasant, painful, or difficult to bear.

e.g. His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang...
e.g. It's been a perfectly hideous day.

1. 丑恶的:10. translucent 半透明的 | 11. hideous 丑恶的 | 12. tangled 紊乱的

2. 丑的吓人;不忍睹的;丑恶的;可憎的:10.fondness 钟爱;溺爱;嗜好;癖好 | 11.hideous 丑的吓人;不忍睹的;丑恶的;可憎的 | 12.impression 意念;印象;不太明确的感觉或想法

3. 可怕的:hide 躲藏 | hideous 可怕的 | high 高的

4. 丑:sneak偷拿 | hideous丑 | hidebound死板的

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • They have just built some hideous new apartment blocks on the seafront.
  • The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • The Loathly Damsel, a hideous young woman riding upon a mule.

    出自:A. Powell
  • This is a hideous and freakish thing to have occurred.

    出自:R. Ingalls
  • That calendar is hideous.

    出自:V. Seth
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He seems hideous, and so he is, in the presence of the moral idea of the nineteenth.(他仿佛恶劣不堪,从十九世纪的道德观念来看,确也如此。)
Dry your hideous eyes.(擦干你那丑陋的眼睛。)
My typing is hideous.(我打字很糟。)
I had read of such hideous incarnate demons.(我读过关于这类可怕的化身鬼怪的书。)
Their new colour scheme is hideous!(他们新的颜色搭配难看极了!)
They rarely talked about the hideous images that occasionally flooded their minds.(他们几乎不谈那些偶尔会涌进脑海里的可怕画面。)
She saw a hideous face at the window and screamed.(她在窗口看到一张奇丑无比的脸,尖叫了起来。)
But was it, in fact, a hideous goof?(但其实这真的是很可笑的错误吗?)
It had the disadvantage, however, of looking truly hideous.(不过坏处也是有的,也就是,看起来特别的丑。)
Every article on the breakfast table was fetched away with a hideous crash.(早餐桌上的每件物品随着可怕的撞击声移动了位置。)
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