英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:32:17



英 [ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs]

美 [ˌhɪpəˈpɑ:təməs]


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名词复数: hippopotamuses/hippopotami

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  • 【动】河马(产于非洲)
  • 河马属


1. massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa

Synonym: hipporiver horseHippopotamus amphibius

1. 河马
A hippopotamus is a very large African animal with short legs and thick, hairless skin. Hippopotamuses live in and near rivers.

1. hippopotamus的意思

1. 河马属:[hippopotamus;hippo] 属于偶蹄目的一些大型食草类,脚有四趾,主要是水栖的哺乳动物,有特别大的头和嘴,光滑无毛的特别厚的皮肤,短的四肢;尤指属于河马属(Hippopotamus)的动物(如H.amphibius),过去曾到处出现在非洲大多数河流中,

2. 爱马的人:51. Flabbergasted吃惊的 | 52. Hippopotamus爱马的人 | 53. Gothic哥特式的

3. hippopotamus什么意思

3. 河马 (hip+popo屁股冒泡泡的)海马:raccoon 浣熊 | hippopotamus 河马 (hip+popo屁股冒泡泡的)海马 | Toady 奉承

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  • 临近词

Only two-and-a-half weeks old but already weighing in at 40kg (88b), a baby hippopotamus swims alongside her mother, Kathi.(这只有两周半大却重达40公斤(88磅)的河马宝宝正游曳在妈妈凯瑟琳旁边。)
And a zoo in Brazil is celebrating the birth of a rare pigmy hippopotamus by inviting visitors to vote on its name.(在巴西,一家动物园通过邀请游客投票取名的方式来庆祝一只稀有的倭河马的出生。)
Visitors can watch a hippopotamus in the West African River Experience area of the Adventure Aquarium.(游客能够在冒险水族馆的西非河流体验区中看到一匹河马。)
A huge animal, possibly hippopotamus, described in the Old Testament.(在旧约中描述的宏大动物,可能是河马。)
And as happy as a hippopotamus.(也像河马一样快乐。)
No, definitely not, or book seven would be around the weight of a baby hippopotamus.(不,当然不是,否则第七部就会和一头幼年河马差不多重。)
The children enjoyed watching the hippopotamus wallowing in the mud.(孩子们喜欢看河马在泥中打滚。)
It is the hippopotamus child.(是河马的孩子。)
In these papyri, artists have great fun imagining the Devourer - part crocodile, part lion, part hippopotamus.(在那些纸莎草纸上,古埃及的艺术家们对吞噬者作了细致的描画——部分是鳄鱼,部分是狮子,还有部分是河马。)
A hippopotamus surfs the waves off the coast of Gabon.(一头河马在加蓬的海岸附近冲浪。)
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