英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [haɪv]

美 [haɪv]




过去式: hived 过去分词: hived 现在分词: hiving 第三人称单数: hives

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 蜂群, 蜜蜂群
  • 蜂房,蜂箱,蜂巢
  • 熙攘喧闹的人群,麇集的人群
  • 热闹的场所,繁忙的地方,忙碌的场所
  • 一箱蜜蜂
  • 荨麻疹
  • 蜂巢状物
  • 忙碌
  • 喧闹地区,闹区
  • 贮备,贮藏,储备
  • 入蜂房,进入蜂箱 ,使入蜂巢
  • 生活在蜂房中,栖巢中
  • (如蜂般)群居,聚居
  • 隐居
  • 藏身
  • 贮(蜜)于蜂房,储藏蜜于蜂房
  • 卖掉公司的一部份
  • 积蓄
  • 同栖聚居
  • 使(人)安居家中
  • 把一部份分离出来
  • 移(蜂)入巢



1. a man-made receptacle that houses a swarm of bees

Synonym: beehive

2. a teeming multitude

3. a structure that provides a natural habitation for bees
as in a hollow tree

Synonym: beehive


1. gather into a hive

e.g. The beekeeper hived the swarm

2. move together in a hive or as if in a hive

e.g. The bee swarms are hiving

3. store, like bees

e.g. bees hive honey and pollen
He hived lots of information

1. 蜂房;蜂箱
A hive is a structure in which bees are kept, which is designed so that the beekeeper can collect the honey that they produce.

2. 熙熙攘攘的场所;人群忙碌的地方
If you describe a place as a hive of activity, you approve of the fact that there is a lot of activity there or that people are busy working there.

e.g. In the morning the house was a hive of activity...
e.g. Stuart Tannahill's shed is a veritable hive of photographic creativity.

3. 荨麻疹
Hives is a condition in which patches of your skin become red and very uncomfortable and itchy.

相关词组:hive off

1. 配置单元:系统相关的配置单元(hive)文件与用户相有关的配置单元(hive)文件如果安全模式不能成功启动,则可能需要使用紧急修复磁盘 (ERD) 功能以修复系统. 国外: 赛门铁克(Symantec)公司的Norton AntiVirus美国网络联盟(NAI)公司的McAfee卡巴斯基实验室(Kaspersky Lab)的AVP等

  • 经典引文

  • Bees have been kept..in earthenware pipes, straw skeps, wooden boxes and all types of hive.

    出自:T. Hooper
  • Smoke is used to subdue,..bees..when taking and hiving a swarm.

There will still be crashes in any hive mind, of course.(当然,任何蜂群思维都有失灵的时候。)
The most important member of any hive is the queen bee.(任何一个蜂房中最重要的成员都是蜂王。)
A hive mind is a distributed memory that both perceives and remembers.(蜂群思维是能同时进行感知和记忆的分布式内存。)
I will hole you like a hive if you dare to touch my wife once.(如果你胆敢碰我妻子一个手指头,我就把你打成筛子。)
Wheeler said the superorganism of the hive "emerges" from the mass of ordinary insect organisms.(惠勒说,蜂巢的超级有机体,是从许多普通昆虫有机体中“涌现”出来的。)
The dance of the honeybee communicates the location of flowers to other members of the hive.(蜜蜂的舞蹈可以将花朵的位置传达给蜂巢的其他成员。)
Remember to destroy every structure in every hive complex.(记得摧毁每一个蜂房里的每一个结构。)
You can hive off some of the work to us if necessary.(如果必要的话,你可以把部分工作分给我们做。)
Glass hives offer a close-up view of the bees at work, with the queen bee in each hive marked by a white dot.(玻璃蜂房可以近距离观察工作中的蜜蜂,每个蜂房的蜂王都被打上白点标记。)
A hive of honey bees.(似一巢蜜蜂儿。)
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