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英 [ˌhəʊmiəˈsteɪsɪs]

美 [ˌhomioˈstesɪs]


形容词: homeostatic

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  • 【生理】体内平衡
  • 自我平衡,自动平衡
  • 内环境稳定
  • 恒定性
  • (内)稳定状态
  • 同形作用
  • 动态静止,动态平衡
  • 原状稳定


1. (physiology) metabolic equilibrium actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes


1. 体内平衡:但若刚好感冒或生病(感染病、过敏等),体内平衡(Homeostasis)会变得敏感想保护身体,不易达到减肥效果,此时等恢复健康后再开始为宜. 此外,身体对季节变迁很敏感,如果在由春转夏或由秋入冬身体容易出现变化的时期开始减肥,也比较容易看到效果.

2. 恒定性:人类和动物一样,一旦生病了,自然会食欲不振,这是因为恒定性(homeostasis)发挥了作用,为了治疗疾病而停止食欲的缘故,也就是身体故意要降低营养状态,让白血球饿肚子,以利提高免疫力所进行的调节工作.

He invented the term homeostasis for the tendency of the organism to maintain constancy of the internal environment.(他创造了“内环境稳定”一词来说明机体有保持内环境稳定的倾向。)
Quick, easy, and non-traumatic access to Homeostasis can be achieved by Sensory Resonance.(快速,简便,非创伤性获得动态平衡,可以取得的感官共鸣。)
Diering and his colleagues set out to explore the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis by studying the proteins in mouse brains.(迪林博士和同事们通过研究小鼠脑中的蛋白质来探索突触自稳态假说。)
Stress is nonspecific and protective adaptation mechanism of human body. It also results in the change of homeostasis even diseases.(应激是机体的非特异保护适应机制,但它也引起机体自稳态的变动,甚至导致疾病。)
We've talked about one the main concepts in physiology being homeostasis, that is' how do you maintain a constant internal environment?(我们讲到了生理学的主要概念,内稳态,即如何维持内环境的稳定。)
The balance between cell survival and apoptosis is crucial for normal development and homeostasis of multicellular organisms.(细胞存活与凋亡之间的平衡是多细胞生物正常发育与稳态的关键。)
The months before, that winning, the way Kobe was being a good big brother, they had found that homeostasis we talked about.(几个月前的一场胜利让他们找到了这种感觉,那场比赛,科比真正以一个老大的身份出现。)
Knowing the identity of the stem cell is crucial to understanding tissue homeostasis and its aberrations upon disease.(了解干细胞的“细胞决定”是理解组织内稳态及畸变发生导致疾病的至关重要部分。)
Insulin resistance was estimated by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA).(采用稳态模式(HOMA)评价胰岛素抵抗程度。)
Immune system is a very important system to maintain homeostasis in body.(免疫系统是维持机体自身稳定的一个重要系统。)
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