英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:19:14



英 [ˈhɒməli]

美 [ˈhɑ:məli]


名词: homilist 名词复数: homilies

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  • 说教
  • 布道
  • 训诫
  • 讲道
  • 说教作品
  • 使人厌烦的说教
  • 宣道


1. a sermon on a moral or religious topic

Synonym: preachment

1. 责诘;说教;训诫
A homily is a speech or piece of writing in which someone complains about the state of something or tells people how they ought to behave.


e.g. ...a receptive audience for his homily on moral values.

1. 说教:homilist 怖道者 | homily 说教 | homing pigeon 传信鸽

2. 说教,训诫:homely家常的,朴素的a | homily说教,训诫n | homogenize使均匀v

3. homily的解释

3. 训诫:prosecute 起诉 | homily 训诫 | homelineness 不好看


4. 布道:独身celibate | 布道homily | 教宗、主教pontiff

  • 经典引文

  • As each bottle [of wine] was brought out he treated me to a short homily on the reasons for his choice.

    出自:J. Braine
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In a homily on Thursday, Benedict's successor, Pope Francis, called abuse scandals "the shame of the Church".(在周四的说教中,本尼迪克特的继承者——弗朗西斯一世认为这个虐待丑闻是教会的耻辱。)
He did not connect it with Mr Ducie's homily, still less with his second dream, but he thought he was going to be ill, and afterwards that it was somehow a punishment for something.(他不曾把这与杜希先生那番说教联系在一起,更无从与第二场梦联系上,然而他认为自己会患病的,后来又觉得这是为某些事遭到了惩罚。)
During his homily, Pope Benedict addressed the issue of unity, which has been a theme of his visit.(教皇本尼迪克特在他的布道中谈到了合一的问题,这也是他这次来访的主题。)
It was an act of humility, Pope Francis explained in a short homily to show that he is at the service of others, particularly the poor and the marginalized.(这是非常谦卑的举动,教皇弗朗西斯在简短的训诫中解释道,他是为了展现他为他人服务,尤其是贫困和无助的人。)
Speaking without notes, the Pope said little in his homily to review his vision for the future of the church beyond urging his fellow cardinals to shun worldliness and be more focused on the Gospels.(教皇的演讲没有借助任何笔记,他几乎没提对教堂未来的构想,只是敦促红衣主教教友们避开世俗,更关注教义。)
Of the nature of a homily or sermon.(有说教或布道特征的。)
In his Fribourg homily, Cardinal Naguib said evidence suggested the October Cairo incident had been planned.(纳吉布枢机在瑞士弗里堡的讲道中说,众多迹象显示,开罗的袭击事件其实早有预谋。)
This year RowanWilliams, the archbishop of Canterbury, delivered the closing homily, urging theaudience to “live responsibly in the present”.(今年坎特伯雷的大主教罗万威廉姆斯,做了闭幕式布道,呼吁观众们“当前要负责地生活”。)
In his homily, Benedict issued an appeal for children who are abused, forced to live on the street or serve as soldiers.(教皇在布道时为那些受到虐待、被迫在流浪街头或者当儿童兵的孩子们发出诉求。)
Soko fit the bill. At the ceremony, which took place in Kai's apartment, Soko delivered a short homily about faith and remembering the dead.(底符合这个条件。在甲斐的公寓里举行的仪式上,底发表了简短的信仰讲道,并追念死者。)
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