英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 12:48:35



英 [hju:ˈmɪlieɪt]

美 [hjuˈmɪliˌet]

vt.使 ... 蒙羞;使丢脸

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使 ... 蒙羞

过去式: humiliated 过去分词: humiliated 现在分词: humiliating 第三人称单数: humiliates

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  • 羞辱
  • 使丢脸,使蒙受耻辱
  • vt. 使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸 cause to feel humble or to lose the respect of others



1. cause to feel shame
hurt the pride of

e.g. He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss

Synonym: mortifychagrinhumbleabase

1. 羞辱;使蒙羞;使出丑
To humiliate someone means to say or do something which makes them feel ashamed or stupid.

e.g. She had been beaten and humiliated by her husband...
e.g. His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons.

I have never felt so humiliated in my life.

1. 羞辱:humble 谦逊 | humiliate 羞辱 | humiliation 丢脸

2. humiliate

2. 羞辱; 使蒙羞:shriek: 尖叫 | humiliate: 羞辱; 使蒙羞 | passivity: 被动性

3. humiliate

3. 窘:贬:disparage, disdain, disrespect, contempt, devalue, defy/defiance, depreciate, despise, | 窘:embarrass, abash, humiliate, mortify | 沮:frustrated, disappointed, dismay,

4. 使丢脸,使羞辱:moist 强调舒服 | humiliate 使丢脸,使羞辱 | face off 变脸

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Parents are humiliated if their children behave badly when guests are present.
  • How much we ought to..examine and humiliate our selves.

    出自:Robert Burton
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The officer knew that he had given the cook tickets before, yet kept coming back to the restaurant, perhaps to humiliate the cook.(这位警察知道之前他曾经给这个厨师开过罚单,也许是为了羞辱这位厨师,他还是经常的来光顾这家餐馆。)
“You’re determined to humiliate yourself, ” my father says.(“你想羞辱你自己,”我爸爸说。)
Still gray and soaked with sweat, he wanted to know: Was my goal just to humiliate him in public?(虽然还面色如灰满身是汗,他还是想知道:难道我的目标是让他当众出丑?)
In a not love your man tears, that is to humiliate yourself.(在一个不爱你的男人面前流泪,那是侮辱你自己。)
They say he intended to humiliate her in a triumphant procession on the streets of Rome.(他们说他打算让她罗马的街头的胜利凯旋中当众受辱。)
Carol wants to not only take Jim away, but to humiliate Mary.(凯洛不仅想把吉姆带走而且想要羞辱玛丽。)
They break up with you, fire you, leave you, or humiliate you.(他们和你断绝关系,开除你,离开你,或者羞辱你。)
It's a maneuver harassers use to humiliate, intimidate or silence their targets.(这是骚扰者用来羞辱、恐吓或者让攻击目标闭嘴的一种策略。)
Guys often have to humiliate themselves before they can join a fraternity.(男生总得先让自己难堪才能加入兄弟会。)
Alas person is like this torment the oneself in dissatisfied foot humiliate the oneself!(唉,人,就是这样,在不满足中折磨着自己,作践着自己!)
humiliate是什么意思 humiliate在线翻译 humiliate什么意思 humiliate的意思 humiliate的翻译 humiliate的解释 humiliate的发音 humiliate的同义词