英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['haɪəlɪn]

美 ['haɪəlɪn]



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1. 海琳娜:另外,位於中国北京的万源时代科技公司,更於日前利用仿生观念,推出海琳娜(HYALINE)生技化妆品,以生物工程技术提取出生物活性物质,成分与人眼晶体中的液体十分相似.

2. 玻璃质:关节软骨是一种玻璃质(hyaline)软骨,位於骨头末端,它并没有钙化. 由於缺乏血管、淋巴管或神经的分布,因此软骨细胞是藉由关节液供应所需的营养及气体的交换(Poole CA, 1993). 关节软骨的外层没有钙化,


3. 玻璃质的:hurricane 飓风 | hyaline 玻璃质的 | hyalobasalt 玻质玄武岩

4. 透明的:hyacinthine 风信子的 | hyaline 透明的 | hyalinization 透明样变化

Renal glomeruli had hyaline changes suggestive of an immunologic process.(肾小球有表明免疫学过程的玻璃样变化。)
It was diagnosed as juvenile hyaline fibromatosis.(幼年透明蛋白纤维瘤病。)
Objective To analyze the effect of breathing support of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) in hyaline membrane disease (HMD) of the newborn.(目的探讨鼻塞式持续气道正压通气(NCPAP)在新生儿肺透明膜病中的呼吸支持作用及其护理。)
The cortex bank of trabecular meager plate showed a definite lines with broken collagen fibers and hyaline degeneration.(小梁薄板皮质区薄厚不均,与断裂的胶原纤维有明显的分界线,并有玻璃样变性;)
Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils.(玻璃品掺合了嗜中性粒细胞。)
The alveoli collapse, and a "glassy" (hyaline) membrane develops in the alveolar ducts.(肺泡萎陷,同时肺泡管中出现“玻璃样”透明质膜。)
Some samples were cut and made as hyaline thin slides to measure the diameter of lymphatic vessels by microscopy.(选择注射较好的心脏标本制成透明铺片,镜下观察测定淋巴管管径,并摄影记录。)
Hyaline cells Any leaf cell with no chlorophyll that is normally used for storage of water or solutes.(透明细胞:指不含叶绿体,用于储存水分或溶质的所有叶细胞。)
There were hyaline-vascular type in 7 cases and plasma type in 3 cases pathologically .(病理分型为透明血管型7例和浆细胞型3例。)
In early DAD, there are hyaline membranes, as seen here, lining alveoli.(在DAD的早期,可见在肺泡的内表面有肺泡透明膜的形成。)
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