What can we do to re-ignite our passion?(怎样才能使我们的热情重新燃起呢?)
When you give a genuine compliment you ignite a spark of happy feelings inside of yourself.(当你真诚的给予他人赞美话语的时候,你也会在自己的内心激发一阵愉快的情绪。)
To help ignite your excitement about this idea, I thought I'd share a few strategies on how to do this.(为了帮你点燃这个激动人心的想法,我愿分享一些方法。)
In these inflationary days, such expenses easily ignite public anger.(在这个通货膨胀的时代,这样的开支很容易引起公愤。)
It can ignite your spirit and make you feel like you can do anything.(它能点燃你的精神和使你感觉你能够做到任何事情。)
United 93 is the first feature film to deal explicitly with the events of September 11, 2001, and is certain to ignite an emotional debate.(《93号航班》是第一部明确讲述911事件的故事片,这肯定是会引发一场情绪化的的争论的。)
Once a burning firelighter is placed against a tyre, it takes a few minutes for a car to ignite, giving the arsonist plenty of time to escape.(一旦将一个燃烧着的打火机放在轮胎上,汽车需要几分钟才能点燃,这给了纵火犯大量的时间逃跑。)
But it is also an opportunity: the energy of youth can ignite faltering economies.(而且,这也是一个机会:因为年轻人朝气蓬勃,可以激活疲软的经济。)
It would then ignite a liquid oxygen-methane rocket to push the vehicle to about 100km.(之后,将点燃液态氧气-甲烷火箭将运输工具推至大概100千米高度。)
AS DUSK falls, kerosene stoves ignite in the poorer kitchens of Delhi.(黄昏降临时,德里的穷苦人家便开始点起厨房里的煤油炉。)
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