英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:50:15



英 [ɪˌlu:mɪˈneɪʃn]

美 [ɪˌluməˈneʃən]


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  • 照明,照亮
  • 阐明, 解释
  • 灯饰,彩灯,彩饰
  • 启发,启示, 启迪
  • 光源
  • 【物】照度,照明度
  • 光照
  • 启蒙,教化


1. painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts)

Synonym: miniature

2. the luminous flux incident on a unit area

Synonym: illuminance

3. an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding

e.g. the professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook

Synonym: clarificationelucidation

4. the degree of visibility of your environment

5. a condition of spiritual awareness
divine illumination

e.g. follow God's light

Synonym: light

1. 照明;照亮
Illumination is the lighting that a place has.


e.g. The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.

2. 彩灯;灯饰
Illuminations are coloured lights which are put up in towns, especially at Christmas, in order to make them look attractive, especially at night.

e.g. ...the famous Blackpool illuminations.

3. 觉悟;启发;精神启示
You can use illumination to describe an increased understanding of something, especially something of a religious or spiritual nature.

e.g. ...a sense of illumination...
e.g. No further illumination can be had from this theory.

1. 照明:当 LEDs 发光效率(lm/W)每年持续提升的同时, LED s各产业链是否已经成熟到足以进入各种 照明 (illumination)市场之大量应用需求这个问题一直都是各方争论的焦点.


2. 亮度:HSI模型是基于视觉原理的模型,其定义了3个互不相关、容易预测的颜色属性:色度(Hue)、饱和度(Saturation)和明亮度(Illumination),其中的色度属性能较准确地反映颜色种类,对外界光照条件的变化敏感程度低.


3. 照度:所以黑白摄影机适用于光线不足之地区或夜晚无法安装照明设备之地点. ▼ 照度(illumination)依照安装地点的亮度来选择摄影机. 如果地点的亮度超过最低物体亮度10倍以上时,画面一定清晰 .

  • 经典引文

  • Buddha..reached what is known as the illumination, i.e. grasped the fundamental of his..doctrine.

Using LRO's precise measurements of topography, scientists have been able to map illumination in detail, finding some areas with up to 96% solar visibility.(利用LRO上的地形精细测量技术,科学家已经能够绘制月球的光照图,他们发现有些地区的太阳能见度高达96%。)
The poems are a sequence of snapshots—often small, spasmodic and delicately imagistic—of particularly crucial incidents in his life; of moments of intellectual illumination.(这些诗篇是一帧帧快照--一阵阵细微而优美的意象--特别是他生命中关键的几个插曲和智慧闪耀的瞬间。)
Artificial illumination on a Kuiper Belt Object would stand out because it would vary less than reflected sunlight does when the world moved toward or away from the sun.(柯伊伯带天体上的人工照明之所以会显得特别突出是因为不管它转向或者转离太阳,其所反射的太阳光都不会变化很大。)
The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.(惟一的照明来自对面墙上位于高处的一扇小窗户。)
With skillful manipulation of illumination and the solid-void relationship, the overall effect achieved is a harmonious integration between architecture and nature.(该建筑有着光线的巧妙处理和结实体块的关系,整个效果实现是建筑和自然间的和谐综合。)
Solid-state illumination accounted for 7 percent of the market, or $320 million, in 2007, and this figure is expected to grow to nearly $1.37 billion by 2012.(2007年,固态照明发光二极管占总市场的7%,约3.2亿美元。预计,到2012年,这一数字将增长到13.7亿美元。)
Dr Hunter is now the boss of LED Lighting Fixtures, a firm based in North Carolina that is working to make LEDs more suitable for use in general illumination.(Hunter博士现今是LEDLightingFixtures的老板,位于北卡罗莱纳州,公司为了制造出更适合普通照明用的LED而奋斗。)
If we feel something within ourselves drawing us in one direction but also something drawing us the other way, what exactly can philosophy do to offer us illumination?(如果我们感到内心有什么东西将我们向两极拉扯,哲学能向我们提供怎样的启示?)
This is because, with a broad source, light rays hit your subject from more directions, which tends to fill in shadows and give more even illumination to the scene.(这是因为光源越广,射在物体上光线的方向就越多,这会起到增加场景中的照明、减少阴影的作用。)
This has finally given me the chance to learn about love and wisdom, and to preserve my hopes for illumination and perfection.(我因此终于有机会可以学习爱与智慧,并且可以对光明与完美保持期待。)
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