英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ləˈbɒrətri]

美 [ˈlæbrətɔ:ri]


名词复数: laboratories

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  • 实验室,研究室
  • 药厂
  • 化学工厂
  • (教育或社会科学研究的)试验点,试点
  • 实验室的,实验技术的
  • [C]实验室 a special building or room in which a scientist works to examine, test, or prepare materials


1. a workplace for the conduct of scientific research

Synonym: labresearch labresearch laboratoryscience labscience laboratory

2. a region resembling a laboratory inasmuch as it offers opportunities for observation and practice and experimentation

e.g. the new nation is a testing ground for socioeconomic theories
Pakistan is a laboratory for studying the use of American troops to combat terrorism

Synonym: testing ground

1. (用于科研的)实验室,研究室,实验楼
A laboratory is a building or a room where scientific experiments, analyses, and research are carried out.

2. (学生使用的)实验室
A laboratory in a school, college, or university is a room containing scientific equipment where students are taught science subjects such as chemistry.

3. see also: language laboratory

1. laboratory的意思

1. 研究室:这项资源主要是由研究室(laboratory)生产,并每回合累积到「知识银行」里面. 你可以花费储蓄在银行里面的科学购买新的科技,来提升你的文明. 如果你无法快速的累积科学,那你就会在科学竞赛中失败,那麼你将无法获胜.

2. 实验:教科(Lecture) 实验(Laboratory) 讨论(Recitation) 其他(Others)傅立叶分析 ACDE 介绍傅立叶级数、傅立叶积分及 傅立叶转换,并介绍离散傅立叶 转换(DFT)让同学练习实际写程 式实现.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • The lab has been advised to hold back any announcement of its findings.
  • Did you perceive anyone entering the lab?
  • He lost no time in returning to the lab.
  • The students are demonstrating a chemical law in the lab.
  • The teacher arranged for him to spend one day in the lab.
  • Who has permitted you to enter these labs?
  • There are two labs in our school.
  • The lab assistant injected the rat with the new drug.
  • They will proceed to build a lab building.
用作名词 (n.)
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • laboratory可以缩写为lab。
  • ☆ 1600年左右进入英语,直接源自中古拉丁语的labortorium,意为实验室。
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.laboratory

The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobile laboratory named "Drive LAB" in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to discover where the key stress points are.

在纽卡斯尔大学的智能交通运输团队为了了解老年司机所面临的挑战以及弄清楚关键压力所在点, 把一辆电动车变成了移动实验室, 名字叫"移动实验室"。


The blood samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis.(血样要送往实验室进行分析。)
The equipment of the laboratory is complete.(实验室的设备齐全。)
They established this laboratory in his name.(他们以他的名义建立了这个实验室。)
In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.(1904年12月,她被任命为皮埃尔·居里领导的实验室的首席助理。)
In my laboratory, a full-size machine is almost complete.(在我的实验室里,一台全尺寸的机器几乎已经完成了。)
Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers.(奥尔教授已经研发出了用现有的实验室激光给化学分子贴标签的有趣方法。)
Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.(化学是19世纪初期最杰出的实验室科学。)
The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting.(提议当时是他创办一个新实验室拿双倍工资。)
I must go to the library, the one near the laboratory, because I have to finish my research project by tomorrow.(我必须去图书馆,就是靠近实验室的那个,因为我明天之前必须完成我的研究项目。)
In Switzerland, six miles west of Geneva, lies a collection of laboratory buildings.(在日内瓦以西6英里的瑞士,有许多实验室建筑。)
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