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更新时间:2025-03-10 15:30:10



英 [ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv]

美 [ɪˈmædʒənətɪv, -ˌnetɪv]


副词: imaginatively 名词: imaginativeness

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  • 虚构的,想像的
  • 富于想像力的,有想象力的
  • 幻想的,耽于冥想的
  • 有创造力的
  • 花哨的
  • 运用想像力的
  • 富于想象力的; 运用想象力的 that shows use of the imagination

1. 富于想象力的;有独创性的
If you describe someone or their ideas as imaginative, you are praising them because they are easily able to think of or create new or exciting things.

e.g. ...an imaginative writer.
e.g. ...hundreds of cooking ideas and imaginative recipes...

The hotel is decorated imaginatively and attractively.

1. imaginative是什么意思

1. 想象:大胆(daring) 大胆的、时髦的、刺激的...有朝气(spirited) 活力充沛的、酷酷的、年轻的...富想象(imaginative) 有想象力的、独特的

2. imaginative的意思

2. 想象力的:这一数据表明18世纪英国叙事文学正在摆脱明显幻想(fantastic)的罗曼司影响,进入到具有想象力的(imaginative)写实主义文学. 虽幻想与想象均为虚构,但在浪漫主义大师科尔律治看来,幻想是仅仅摆脱了时间与空间次序后的回忆方式,

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • The imaginative child made up fairy stories.
  • The examiner was looking for imaginative answers.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Had I been an imaginative child, I should have looked for the Sleeping Beauty there.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • All the best cooks tell you to be imaginative with offal.

    出自:L. Blue
Everyone says that is an imaginative design.(大家都说那是个非常有创意的设计。)
We still have the imaginative capacity to rise above temptation and reverse the high-speed trend.(我们仍然有想象力让我们不受诱惑的影响,并得以扭转高速的发展趋势。)
Imaginative play helps develop empathy for others.(充满想象力的模仿游戏培养孩子对他人的同理心。)
Not only is he industrious, but he is also imaginative.(他不但勤奋,而且富有想象力。)
Teachers tend to be more imaginative and creative as kids.(当老师还是孩子的时候,更有想象力和创造力。)
Folktales are imaginative stories that like folk legends, they've been passed down orally from storyteller to storyteller since ancient times.(就像民间传说一样,民间故事是从古至今口耳相传的想象力丰富的故事。)
However, to be more imaginative, says Lehrer, it's also crucial to collaborate with people from a wide range of backgrounds because if colleagues are too socially intimate, creativity is stifled.(然而,Lehrer说,要想变得更富有想象力,与来自不同背景的人合作也很重要,因为如果同事之间太亲密,创造力就会被扼杀。)
Once humans possessed such a mind, they were able to find an imaginative solution to a situation of severe economic crisis such as the farming dilemma described earlier.(一旦人类拥有了这样的头脑,他们就能够找到一个富有想象力的解决方案来应对严重的经济危机,比如前面所描述的农业困境。)
Doubtless imaginative readers can think of others.(无疑,富于想象的你还能想起别的。)
On PC, the game had it all – imaginative story line and characters, challenging gameplay, superb graphics.(在个人电脑上,这个游戏具备了一切—虚构的故事和人物、充满挑战的可玩性以及高质量的画面。)
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