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更新时间:2024-04-30 15:34:16


英 [ˌɪmpəˈtɜ:bəbl]

美 [ˌɪmpərˈtɜ:rbəbl]


副词: imperturbably 名词: imperturbability

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  • 沉着的,冷静的,镇静的,泰然自若的
  • 不易生气的,不易兴奋的,不易激动的,无动于衷的,缺乏热情的


1. not easily perturbed or excited or upset
marked by extreme calm and composure

e.g. hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm
an imperturbable self-possession
unflappable in a crisis

Synonym: unflappable

1. 不易激动的;沉着的;冷静的
If you describe someone as imperturbable, you mean that they remain calm, even in disturbing or dangerous situations.

e.g. Thomas, of course, was cool and aloof and imperturbable.

1. 沉着的:imperturbability 沉着 | imperturbable 沉着的 | imperturbably 泰然地

2. 冷静的,沉着的:imperial 帝王的,至尊的 | imperturbable 冷静的,沉着的 | implicit 含蓄的,不言而喻的

3. 沉着的, 镇静的:irascible 性情暴躁的 | imperturbable 沉着的, 镇静的 | withdrawn 离群的

4. 泰然自若的:imperturbability 自若 | imperturbable 泰然自若的 | imperturbablyreposefullysedatelyserenelytranquilly 平静地

  • 经典引文

  • Weston looked at her, surprised at the emotion..this normally imperturbable woman was showing.

    出自:A. Lewis
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

But he maintained an imperturbable demeanour during the ride to the Elysee palace and for the duration of his 96-hour visit.(但英王在前往爱丽舍宫途中以及在长达96小时的访法期间,始终保持着泰然自若的风度。)
Only by reading between the lines can one follow the unsparing analysis beneath the imperturbable surface.(只有从字里行间体会言外之意,读者才能理解在不动声色的表面底下隐藏着的毫不留情的分析。)
"Not exactly, Fred, " replied the imperturbable Richard, continuing to write with a business-like air.(“不完全是那么回事,福来德,”沉住气的理查边说边一本正经地继续写着。)
And when we do, the ultimate Happiness is established permanently, forever. And with it goes immortality, unlimitedness, imperturbable peace, total freedom and everything that everyone is seeking.(此时,终极幸福将被永远确立,与之相伴的是不朽、无限、不被搅扰的宁静以及完全的自由。)
Her hands suddenly came together-her right and left hands each doing their own imperturbable thing-just like that.(她的手就这么突然合起来了,左手右手各弹一个旋律,就这样成功了。)
There it stands silent and imperturbable;(它静默的、恬然自得的站在那里;)
She was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset.(令人烦恼的事,令人烦恼的人使人烦恼或生气的原因;)
Aunt Gillenormand surveyed all this with her imperturbable placidity.(吉诺曼姨妈平静而沉着地望着这一切。)
Of Joey's imperturbable, long-suffering girlfriend, Connie, Franzen writes that "she had the metabolism of a fish in winter."(至于裘伊那冷静坚忍的女友康尼,弗兰岑是这样写的,“她像一只冬天的鱼,安静冷静。”)
The other houses of the street, conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces.(街上的其他房子,考虑到屋里住的体面人家,无不故作深沉彼此凝视。)
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