英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:33:53


英 [ɪm'prɪznmənt]

美 [ɪm'prɪznmənt]


  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释


1. the act of confining someone in a prison (or as if in a prison)

Synonym: internment

2. putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment

3. the state of being imprisoned

e.g. he was held in captivity until he died
the imprisonment of captured soldiers
his ignominious incarceration in the local jail
he practiced the immurement of his enemies in the castle dungeon

Synonym: captivityincarcerationimmurement

1. 关押;监禁;坐牢
Imprisonment is the state of being imprisoned.

e.g. She was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment.
她被判处 7 年监禁。
e.g. ...the prospect of imprisonment.

1. imprisonment是什么意思

1. 囚禁:答:所谓的Kangaxx骷髅头状态即是半巫妖(Demilich),他每轮能使用一次奥术--囚禁(Imprisonment),每回合能使用一次半巫妖之嚎(Demilich Howl),无使用限次;半巫妖之嚎非常致命,任何豁免失败的生物立刻死亡;而囚禁是一种把对手封入魔力球后埋葬到异次元的奥术,

  • 经典引文

  • Imprisonment was not enough. They must receive six thousand lashes.

    出自:E. Crankshaw
False fire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment.(谎报火警是违法的,可能会导致监禁。)
His arrest and imprisonment were expected and could have been avoided.(他的被捕入狱本在预料之中、是可以避免的。)
He gets dragged off to court and sentenced to a flogging and life imprisonment.(他被拖至法庭,被判鞭刑和终身监禁。)
Debt is an imprisonment to our happiness.(债务是幸福的监牢。)
He was condemned to life imprisonment.(他被判终身监禁。)
Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law.(按照州法律终身监禁定义为60年。)
He was sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment.(他将被处以25年监禁。)
Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.(因初犯轻罪被控者很少被判监禁。)
His punishment of death was commuted to life imprisonment.(他被从死刑减为无期徒刑。)
She was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment.(她被判处7年监禁。)
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