英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 12:59:40



英 [ˈɪmprəvaɪz]

美 [ˈɪmprəˌvaɪz]


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名词: improviser 过去式: improvised 过去分词: improvised 现在分词: improvising 第三人称单数: improvises

  • 英英释义

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1. perform without preparation

e.g. he extemporized a speech at the wedding

Synonym: improvizead-libextemporizeextemporise

2. manage in a makeshift way
do with whatever is at hand

e.g. after the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks

Synonym: extemporize

1. 临时做;临时凑成
If you improvise, you make or do something using whatever you have or without having planned it in advance.


e.g. You need a wok with a steaming rack for this; if you don't have one, improvise...
e.g. The vet had improvised a harness...

Funds were not abundant and clever improvisation was necessary.

2. 即兴表演;即兴演奏;即兴创作
When performers improvise, they invent music or words as they play, sing, or speak.


e.g. I asked her what the piece was and she said, 'Oh, I'm just improvising'...
e.g. Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer...

...an improvisation on 'Jingle Bells'.

1. 临时制作,及席作成:evident 明显的 | improvise 临时制作,及席作成 | invidious 招嫉妒,惹人恶感的

2. improvise

2. 临时准备:sellout 客满的演出 | improvise 临时准备 | enthusiast 狂热者

  • 经典引文

  • He was able to improvise the most amusing little tunes.

    出自:J. B. Priestley
  • No rule can tell you how to act...you must improvise as best you can.

    出自:R. G. Collingwood
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I haven't written a speech for tonight so I'll just have to improvise.(今晚的讲演我没有准备讲稿,所以只是有现场发挥了。)
There isn't much equipment. We're going to have to improvise.(设备不多,我们只能将就着用。)
In the process, you straighten up a chair, pick up some dirty dishes and improvise a salsa move.(你来到厨房,开始沏咖啡,在这过程中,你摆正了一张椅子,捡起一些脏兮兮的餐具并即兴来了段萨尔萨舞。噢!)
And the lead singer can improvise a lot.(领唱歌手也可以有很多即兴发挥。)
Like your situation, if there is no particular purpose, do not improvise like you.(像你的情况,如果没有特别的目的,凑合一下不办了吧。)
There is only one bed in the room, so one of them has to improvise on the carpet.(房间里只有一张床,所以他们中得有一人必须凑合睡在地毯上。)
They had few essential supplies, to begin with, so they had to improvise.(开始时他们没有多少生活必需品,所以只好东拼西凑。)
The real work was being done by people who knew how to play the saxophone or improvise a long melody with a few chords and a swing beat for support.(真正的工作是由那些知道如何演奏萨克斯管的人来完成的,或者是那些用几个和弦和一个摇摆节奏就即兴创作一段很长的旋律的人来完成的。)
Perceiving means that he or she is inclined to improvise and seek alternatives.(知觉意味着他或她是倾向于即兴发挥,寻求其他途径。)
"Many times you have to improvise and use a torch or something like that," he says.(“很多时候你不得不就地取材,使用火把或其它类似的东西,”他说。)
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