英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [rɪg]

美 [rɪɡ]



过去式: rigged 过去分词: rigged 现在分词: rigging 第三人称单数: rigs

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  • 恶作剧
  • 钻塔
  • 装备,装具
  • 服装,装束
  • 【海】索具,帆具
  • 舣装,帆装
  • 帆缆的配备
  • 帆式
  • 欺骗
  • 发育不全的动物
  • 阴谋,诡计
  • 操纵,控制,用不正当手段操纵,事先决定
  • 垄断
  • 给装配构件,配备,装备,装配
  • 【海】装上索具
  • 【空】装机身,给(飞机)装配机翼
  • 欺骗
  • 装上索具,装帆,给(船只桅杆)装配帆及索具
  • 草草做成,临时赶造,匆匆做成,仓促安排
  • 装束,打扮,穿(美服)
  • 提供索具
  • 给…提供
  • 用临时替代材料迅速搭起,拼凑做成
  • 装于桅上
  • vt. & vi. 装索具; 配备 provide a ship with the necessary ropes, sails, etc.
  • vt. 欺诈; 作弊 arrange an event dishonestly for one's own advantage
  • vt. 操纵,垄断 manage or control sth fraudulently



1. the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme

e.g. that book is a fraud

Synonym: swindlecheat

2. a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses

Synonym: carriageequipage

3. gear used in fishing

Synonym: fishing geartacklefishing tacklefishing rig

4. a set of clothing (with accessories)

e.g. his getup was exceedingly elegant

Synonym: outfitgetupturnout

5. gear (including necessary machinery) for a particular enterprise

6. formation of masts, spars, sails, etc., on a vessel

Synonym: rigging

7. a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together

Synonym: trailer trucktractor trailertrucking rigarticulated lorrysemi


1. equip with sails or masts

e.g. rig a ship

Synonym: setset up

2. connect or secure to

e.g. They rigged the bomb to the ignition

3. manipulate in a fraudulent manner

e.g. rig prices

Synonym: manipulate

4. arrange the outcome of by means of deceit

e.g. rig an election

Synonym: set up

1. (以不正当的手段)操纵,控制(选举、工作任命或比赛等)
If someone rigs an election, a job appointment, or a game, they dishonestly arrange it to get the result they want or to give someone an unfair advantage.

e.g. She accused her opponents of rigging the vote...
e.g. They rig their domestic markets in favour of local businesses.

2. 钻井架;钻塔
A rig is a large structure that is used for looking for oil or gas and for taking it out of the ground or the sea bed.

e.g. ...gas rigs in the North Sea.

3. 铰链式卡车
A rig is a truck or lorry that is made in two or more sections which are joined together by metal bars, so that the vehicle can turn more easily.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 articulated lorry

4. see also: rigging

相关词组:rig outrig up

1. 钻塔:为了要开采石油和天然气,我们首先要往地底下钻洞,一直钻探深入到矿床(deposit)为止.然后就在洞口上架设钻塔(rig)把石油或天然气从地底下打出来、抽取上来.打出地面以后通常就利用管路把它们输送到别的地方进行下一步的处置.

2. 索具:时您还可根据自己的需要改变角色的外貌特征maya插件股价rig纹理外貌特征3DMaya 交通工具制作插件(Davveys Vehicle Rigging Scripts)1.5.2是一系列用效用节点(Utility nodes )代替其他公式设置和索具(rig)交通工具的脚本ma


3. 装配:新的角色装配(rig)扩展和增强的对装配(rig)的直观反馈使动画师能更好地对角色设置进行控制. 另外,有许多新的角色操作功能,使动画工艺流程简化并更有效率,并且缩短了新用户的学习时间.

4. 装备,试验台:rift 裂口,裂缝 | rig 装备,试验台 | right 右,直的,一直

5. rig:rabies immune globulin; 狂犬病免疫球蛋白


6. rig:rightstopollute; 污染权

7. rig什么意思

7. rig:radio inertial guidance; 无线电惯性制导

8. rig:reuse library interoperation group; 再使用库配合动作组

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    提供衣服 provide sb with clothes
  • The servant stole the jewels but rigged the theft so that it seemed that a burglar had done it.
  • 1
  • The elections must cease to be rigged.
用作动词 (v.)
  • This rig included a frock coat with a velvet collar.

    出自:G. Daly
  • She was rigged..with a taller mast and..more sail area.

  • I was trapped without time to think..or to rig the facts.

    出自:K. Waterhouse
  • They rigged a trial and shot him dead.

    出自:C. Causley
  • To contact his friends in the government and to rig the medical board.

    出自:E. Showalter
  • 词语用法

  • rig的基本意思是“装,配备”,指为某人或某物提供必要的东西,以使其功能进一步完善或使其更好地服务,特指给船装配帆或给桅杆装配索具。引申可指“欺诈”“操纵”等意思。
  • rig主要用作及物动词,偶尔也用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
  • rig的过去式和过去分词均为rigged。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Each rig is equipped with two cameras—one representing the view of each eye.(每个立体摄影设备包含两个摄像头——分别模仿两只眼睛的视觉功能。)
A big rig had tumbled down an embankment, and flames were crawling across its cab.(一辆双拖斗卡车斜停在路堤上,火焰在它的驾驶室蔓延。)
This deep sea creepy-crawly gave oil workers a fright, after the unexpected visitor hitched a ride on a submarine sent from a rig in the Gulf of Mexico.(当这个不速之客搭乘了一艘从墨西哥湾钻井平台发出的潜艇后,这种深海爬行动物吓了石油工人一跳。)
A rig pounds an inlet out of the coast, sending rubble rattling down a pipe to the sea.(一个操控装置敲击着海滩上突出的入海口,把碎石咔哒咔哒送进通向海里的管子。)
In the oil rig example, most oil RIGS do not explode or spew oil into the ocean.(以石油钻井平台为例,大多数石油钻井平台不会自行爆炸或自动向海洋里喷石油。)
Oil and gas rushed up the well, dooming the rig and 11 of her crew.(石油和天然气冲出井,折断了成套装置,11位工作人员也因而丧生。)
Hayward started at BP as a rig geologist in 1982.(海沃德作为一名钻探地质学家于1982年加入了BP。)
Here's another example of a sloop with a Bermuda rig.(这是另一个使用百慕大帆的单桅帆船的例子。)
A ketch is a common rig for cruising sailboats.(双桅帆也是航行用船的一种常见结构。)
A sloop is generally the most common type of sailboat rig.(单桅帆基本算得上是帆船中最常见的结构了。)
rig是什么意思 rig在线翻译 rig什么意思 rig的意思 rig的翻译 rig的解释 rig的发音 rig的同义词