英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:34:25



英 [ɪmˈpju:nəti]

美 [ɪmˈpjunɪti]


名词复数: impunities

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  • 免除
  • 不受惩罚,免于惩罚,逃过惩罚,免罚
  • 无罪,免罪
  • 无事,相安无事
  • 不受损失
  • 泰然自若
  • 免受伤害,不受损害


1. exemption from punishment or loss

1. (做坏事却)不受惩罚地
If you say that someone does something with impunity, you disapprove of the fact that they are not punished for doing something bad.

e.g. Mr Cook said future aggressors would be able to act with impunity if the objectives of the UN weren't met...
e.g. These gangs operate with apparent impunity.

1. 不受惩罚,免罪:punitive 给予惩罚的,惩罚性的 | impunity 不受惩罚,免罪 | penal (当)受刑罚的,刑事的

2. impunity

2. 无虑,无患:powder 磨碎 | impunity 无虑,无患 | restrict 限制,禁止

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1. with impunity : adv. 不受惩罚地;

But nobody can count on impunity.(但是,没有罪犯能指望逃脱惩罚。)
Given such impunity, why not grab more land?(既然如此随意,为何不多攫取些土地呢?)
The days of impunity seem to be over.(免受惩罚的日子似乎已经完结。)
Mr Kadyrov bears much responsibility for the climate of impunity and terror in Chechnya.(卡德罗夫要为车臣地区无法无天的恐怖气氛承担主要责任。)
The pirates roamed with impunity, often ransacking and even decimating coastal settlements.(这些盗贼肆无忌惮,经常掠夺甚至残杀沿海的居民。)
The culture of impunity that once plagued Bulgaria has largely gone.(免责的传统曾一度困扰着保加利亚,现已大大改观。)
As impunity crumbles, old rumours resurface.(随着免罚破碎,旧的谣言浮出水面。)
One cannot commit crimes with impunity.(一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。)
At least the climate of impunity is changing.(至少免罪风气正在转变。)
Good news for chilly doctors-you can wear long sleeves with impunity inside hospitals.(这对怕冷的医生来说是个好消息——在医院穿长袖不再受惩罚。)
impunity是什么意思 impunity在线翻译 impunity什么意思 impunity的意思 impunity的翻译 impunity的解释 impunity的发音 impunity的同义词