英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 20:57:32



英 [ɪmˈpʌlsɪv]

美 [ɪmˈpʌlsɪv]



副词: impulsively 名词: impulsiveness

  • 英英释义

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1. characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
(`brainish' is archaic)

e.g. a hotheaded decision
liable to such impulsive acts as hugging strangers
an impetuous display of spending and gambling
madcap escapades

Synonym: hotheadedimpetuousmadcaptearaway(a)brainish

2. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason

e.g. a capricious refusal
authoritarian rulers are frequently capricious
the victim of whimsical persecutions

Synonym: capriciouswhimsical

3. having the power of driving or impelling

e.g. a driving personal ambition
the driving force was his innate enthusiasm
an impulsive force

Synonym: driving

4. without forethought

e.g. letting him borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted

5. proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus

e.g. an impulsive gesture of affection

Synonym: unprompted

1. 易冲动的;草率的
If you describe someone as impulsive, you mean that they do things suddenly without thinking about them carefully first.

e.g. He is too impulsive to be a responsible prime minister...
e.g. Avoid making an impulsive decision.

He studied her face for a moment, then said impulsively: 'Let's get married'...
Impulsively she patted him on the arm.
The president's impulsiveness often worries his advisers.

1. impulsive的意思

1. 冲动:'等我答应了才自己去拿. 去买东西也是这样,居然像别的孩子一样自己拉着购物车的侧面和我一起走. 感觉没有以前那么'冲动'(impulsive)了. 我提醒他不要随便和陌生人说话,他说'我没有和陌生人说话呀. '我说我只是提醒你.

2. impulsive

2. 冲击的:foregoing 前述的 | impulsive 冲击的 | shock 冲击

3. impulsive

3. 易冲动的:impulse 刺激,推动力 | impulsive 易冲动的 | propel 推动,驱策

  • 经典引文

  • A quick, careless, impulsive boy.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  • I wish David would think rather more carefully before he does these impulsive things.

    出自:S. Morley
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He has an impulsive nature.(他生性冲动。)
Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered.(彼得容易冲动,脾气暴躁。)
What happens next may come down to how impulsive you are.(接下来会发生什么事,就要看你的购物冲动了。)
We can say a lot of things about those who have spent their whole lives on poems: they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.(关于那些一生都在写诗的人,我们可以说出他们的很多特点:他们热情、冲动以及独特。)
She is an impulsive person; we never know what she will do next.(她是个容易冲动的人;我们从来不知道她下一步想做什么。)
But others worry about Mr Orban's impulsive and headstrong habits.(但一些人担心奥尔班冲动且顽固的性格。)
Impulsive spending isn't an option, so plan your week's menu in advance, making shopping lists for your ingredients in their exact quantities.(冲动消费是不可取的,所以要提前计划好你这周的菜单,按分量列好购物清单。)
Those who were more impulsive were also more easily distracted, the study found.(这项研究发现,那些更冲动的人,也更容易分心。)
Your feelings may be a little impulsive and fleeting.(你的感觉是有些冲动的,短暂的。)
An impulsive and abrasive manner too often curbs his effectiveness.(冲动和粗鲁的个性经常阻碍他的办事成效。)
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