英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 20:58:54

in honor of

英 [in ˈɔnə ɔv]

美 [ɪn ˈɑnɚ ʌv]

为纪念; 为向 ... 表示敬意; 为 ... 庆祝
  • 网络解释


1. 为庆祝,为纪念:in hand 在进行中,待办理 | in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念 | in itself 本质上,就其本身而言

2. in honor of什么意思

2. 以纪念,向......表示敬意:at home 在家,在国内;自在,自如 | in honor of 以纪念,向......表示敬意 | on one's honor 以名誉担保

3. 为纪念...,向...表示敬意:at heart在内心,实质上 | in honor of... 为纪念...,向...表示敬意 | at intervals不时,时时

4. 向......表示敬意, 为祝贺:424. go home 回家 | 425. in honor of向......表示敬意, 为祝贺...... | 426. how far 多远 (距离)

Occasionally the cars get a makeover, like when they were all painted pink in honor of breast-cancer awareness.(偶尔,这些车会被整个化妆,比如为了纪念乳腺癌意识把车都涂成粉色。)
The building was named in honor of two alumni who donated $30 million toward the project.(该大楼是以两位校友命名,感谢他们为学校的该项目捐了3千万美元。)
The Olympic Games were held in honor of Zeus, the father of the gods.(当时举办奥林匹克运动会是为了纪念众神之父--宙斯。)
An additional 1 million shares will go to a foundation run in honor of his first wife.(还有另外100万股将捐给以他的前妻命名的基金会。)
Thousands attended the ceremony, many leaving flowers and mementos in honor of lost loved ones.(数以千计的人们参加了纪念仪式,现场留下了大量的鲜花和纪念品,悼念他们失去的亲人们。)
In honor of our Arctic photo Contest, we've tapped her to share a few of her photos and comment on her work.(为了纪念我们的北极照片大赛,我们邀请她分享了一些照片和有关她的工作的感悟。)
That year, the country set up a holiday in honor of the historian.(那年,为纪念这名历史学家,那个国家设立了一个节日。)
A new guardrail was constructed in honor of the three lives lost.(为缅怀这三个人,人们修了一段护栏。)
In honor of the World Cup, Britain's most luxurious bus stop has been given a football-themed makeover.(日前,英国一个最豪华的公交车站为庆祝世界杯,换上了足球主题装饰风格。)
The goddess Freya's son was killed by an arrow made of mistletoe, so, in honor of him, she declared that it would always be a symbol of peace.(女神弗雷娅的儿子被一支用槲寄生制成的箭杀死,所以为了纪念他,她宣布这支箭将永远是和平的象征。)
in honor of是什么意思 in honor of在线翻译 in honor of什么意思 in honor of的意思 in honor of的翻译 in honor of的解释 in honor of的发音 in honor of的同义词