英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:55:55



英 [ɪnˈænɪmət]

美 [ɪnˈænəmɪt]


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副词: inanimately 名词: inanimateness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 无生命的,无生气的,无生机的,死的
  • 没精打采的,无精神的,死气沉沉的,垂头丧气的
  • 单调的,沉闷的
  • 无生命的事物
  • 鼓励,活跃



1. appearing dead
not breathing or having no perceptible pulse

e.g. an inanimate body
pulseless and dead

Synonym: breathlesspulseless

2. not endowed with life

e.g. the inorganic world is inanimate
inanimate objects

Synonym: nonlivingnon-living

3. belonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things

e.g. the word `car' is inanimate

1. 无生命的
An inanimate object is one that has no life.

e.g. He thought of the baby almost as an inanimate object.


1. 无生命的:10 至于形象宣传权保护之对象有无扩及非人类的(non-human)范围,如动物、无生命的(inanimate)或法人等,请参阅拙著,形象宣传权(Right of Publicity)之研究,(台)中国文化大学法律研究所,一九九九年六月,第一五三页以下.

2. 死气沉沉的,不生动的:in vitro 离体 | inanimate 死气沉沉的,不生动的 | incidence n. 落下的方式,影响范围,[物理]入射

3. inanimate

3. 非生物性:inaesthetic 无审美感的 | inanimate 非生物性 | inanition 营养不足

4. inanimate是什么意思

4. 死气沉沉的:inane 空洞的 | inanimate 死气沉沉的 | inanimation 没有生命

  • 经典引文

  • As human beings we share certain essential features with the inanimate world as a whole.

    出自:N. Symington
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

A rock is an inanimate object.(岩石是无生命的物体。)
We're using inanimate objects to convince ourselves that even when we're alone, we feel together.(我们借助无生命的对象来说服自己:我们感觉在一起,即便当我们独处的时候。)
Bloom and colleagues have shown that babies as young as five months make a distinction between inanimate objects and people.(Bloom及其同事已经证明:还只有五个月大的婴儿,就已经能够把无生命的物体与人区分开来。)
Animism is the belief that spirits can inhabit living and inanimate objects.(柬埔寨许多人比较迷信,信奉万物有灵论,认为有生命的物体与无生命的物体都是有灵魂的。)
However, it might be possible with other large but inanimate objects linked to a quantum device.(不过,有可能采用其他大型但无生命物体与量子装置相连接。)
So we've got a possible explanation of the difference between an animated and an unanimated or an inanimate body to it.(于是我们得到了对,生命体与非生命体之间区别的一种可能的解释。)
I certainly may be wrong here, but commitment to an inanimate object, and feeling a reciprocal response, changes things.(当然关于这一点也许我的想法不对,但与无生命物体达成某种承诺关系并且相互之间有了反应确实改变了一些事情。)
The challenge is to make inanimate objects shimmer and glow with vibrancy and life.(最大的挑战在于要让没有生命的物体洋溢着跃动的光芒和生命的光采。)
SADLY for engineers, inanimate objects cannot yet repair themselves.(对工程师来说悲哀的一面是,没有生命的物体还无法实现自我修复。)
The monster, on the right, is actually an inanimate pillar of gas and dust that measures over a light year in length.(右边的怪物,实际上是无生命的气体和尘埃柱,据测长度超过一光年。)
inanimate是什么意思 inanimate在线翻译 inanimate什么意思 inanimate的意思 inanimate的翻译 inanimate的解释 inanimate的发音 inanimate的同义词