英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:38:40



英 [ɪˈnɔ:gjərəl]

美 [ɪnˈɔɡjərəl]




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  • 开始的
  • 就任的,就职(仪式)的
  • 首次的
  • 开幕(典礼)的,落成(仪式)的
  • 创立的,创始的
  • 就职演讲,就职演说,就职典礼
  • 开幕辞


1. the ceremonial induction into a position

e.g. the new president obviously enjoyed his inauguration

Synonym: inauguration

2. an address delivered at an inaugural ceremony (especially by a United States president)

Synonym: inaugural address



1. serving to set in motion

e.g. the magazine's inaugural issue
the initiative phase in the negotiations
an initiatory step toward a treaty
his first (or maiden) speech in Congress
the liner's maiden voyage

Synonym: initiativeinitiatoryfirstmaiden

2. occurring at or characteristic of a formal investiture or induction

e.g. the President's inaugural address
an inaugural ball

1. 就职的;就任的
An inaugural meeting or speech is the first meeting of a new organization or the first speech by the new leader of an organization or a country.

e.g. In his inaugural address, the President appealed for unity.

1. 就职的:到了一八三二年以后,形容词'就职的'(inaugural)已经被当作名词来使用,用以表示总统的就职演说. 同样的仪式也成为州长、大学校长以及其他人士就职时的例行公事. 自十九世纪三十年代政党开始举行全国总统提名大会以来,


2. 开始的:开设offergoodsorservicesopenforbusiness,etc. | 开始的inaugural | 开始生育的germinant

3. 入职/入职:工号Job No. | 入职/入职Inaugural | 政治面貌Political Status

4. inaugural

4. 就职演讲:inaugural 就任的 | inaugural 就职演讲 | inauguration 就职典礼

  • 经典引文

  • The promise of recovery offered in President Franklin Roosevelt's inaugural address.

    出自:Vanity Fair
The inaugural Rugby World Cup was jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand in 1987.(首届橄榄球世界杯于1987年由澳大利亚和新西兰联合举办。)
After a suitable pause the committee brought Mr Kennedy and Mr Johnson to the inaugural platform.(在一个适当的间隙后,肯尼迪和约翰逊也来到了就职典礼台上。)
Results from the study will be published soon in the inaugural issue of Nature Climate Change.(这份研究的结果将会发表在《自然气候变化》的创刊号上。)
Before Lincoln's second inaugural, he agreed to hold peace talks with representatives of the Confederacy.(在林肯第二次就职之前,他同意与南方代表举行和平谈判。)
Thomas Jefferson held the first Inaugural open house in 1805.(托马斯·杰斐逊在1805年举行第一次开放日。)
Standing between marble columns, I read the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural Address.(站在大理石柱之间,我看着林肯的葛底斯堡演说和第二次就职演讲。)
“We need to revive an energetic Japan,” Mr Kan said at his inaugural news conference in June.(“我们需要恢复日本的青春活力,”菅直人在他上月就职的新闻发布会上说。)
The inaugural 44Con was Britain's first major conference for the good guys of infosec.(44会议典礼的开幕代表着英国第一次大型的信息安全专家会议的诞生。)
In his inaugural address, the president appealed for national unity.(总统在他的就职演说中呼吁全国团结。)
Australia won the first test series 2-1 and claimed the inaugural trophy.(在三场系列测试赛中,澳大利亚队总比分2-1取胜,首捧奖杯。)
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