英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:40:42


英 [ˌɪnkɒntrəˈvɜ:təbl]

美 [ˌɪnkɑ:ntrəˈvɜ:rtəbl]


副词: incontrovertibly 名词: incontrovertibility

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  • 无可辩驳的
  • 不容置疑的
  • 不可否认的


1. necessarily or demonstrably true

e.g. demonstrable truths

Synonym: demonstrable

2. impossible to deny or disprove

e.g. incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence
proof positive
an irrefutable argument

Synonym: irrefutablepositive

1. 无可辩驳的;不容置疑的;无可否认的
Incontrovertible evidence or facts are absolutely certain and cannot be shown to be wrong.


e.g. We have incontrovertible evidence of what took place.

No solution is incontrovertibly right.

1. 无可争议的:incontrollably 不能控制地 | incontrovertible 无可争议的 | incontrovertibly 无疑地

2. 无争论余地的:无争论余地indisputably | 无争论余地的incontrovertible | 无争论之余地的indisputable

3. 无可辩驳的, 不容置疑的:hypotenuse (直角三角形的)斜边, 弦 | incontrovertible 无可辩驳的, 不容置疑的 | inculcate 极力主张, 反复灌输

  • 经典引文

  • Laurie...had had this explained to him many times and accepted it as incontrovertible fact.

    出自:M. Renault
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The defendant was confronted with incontrovertible evidence of guilt.(被告被传来面对他确凿的罪证。)
It had become clear that only actual fossils would furnish incontrovertible evidence for the time at which bilaterians had emerged.(状况变得很清楚:只有真实的化石,才能为两侧对称动物出现的时间提供确凿的证据。)
The evidence of brain injury is incontrovertible.(脑子受伤的证据是确凿无疑的。)
I have been warning you, this week, about the temptation to believe what you want to believe and to interpret small Suggestions as incontrovertible signs.(这周我一直在警告你,关于你特别愿意去相信的诱惑,关于你将小的建议就当作是没有争议了。)
She said: ‘I found incontrovertible, physiological evidence that romantic love can last.’(她说:“我的发现是无可质疑的,生理学证据证明罗曼蒂克的恋爱可以持续。”)
But is the evidence really incontrovertible?(但是这些证据真的就无可争议的吗?)
However, the belief and the custom of Hakka people is different from that of the other RACES, and occupies an incontrovertible position in so many believes and customs of China.(而客家人的信仰习俗,有其区别于他民系的信仰内容与信仰形式,在中国众多的信仰习俗中占有不容忽视的一席之地。)
But in the bicentennial year of Darwin's birth Mr Dawkins fills a gap in his oeuvre by setting out the evidence that the “theory” of evolution is a fact—“as incontrovertible a fact as any in science”.(这些著作都是从进化论开始,但是在达尔文诞辰两百周年的时候,道金斯在他的著作中举出证据弥补了进化论一些空缺:进化论的原理的确是事实,在科学界不容争议的事实。)
That's all well and good, but it ignores one incontrovertible fact: Hybrids have become the auto industry's unstoppable force. Consider.(这固然不错,但它忽略了一个无可争议的事实:混合动力汽车已经成了汽车行业的一股不可阻挡的力量。)
I regard this not as a question upon which the politicians have the right to say anything, but merely as an incontrovertible fact regarding the psychological origin of all artistic creation.(我觉得这仅是关于一切艺术创造的心理基础的无可置辩的事实。)
incontrovertible是什么意思 incontrovertible在线翻译 incontrovertible什么意思 incontrovertible的意思 incontrovertible的翻译 incontrovertible的解释 incontrovertible的发音 incontrovertible的同义词