英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:42:34
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1. a state of extreme poverty or destitution

e.g. their indigence appalled him
a general state of need exists among the homeless

Synonym: needpenurypauperismpauperization

1. 贫困:第三,废止1954年<>中对诉讼救济申请人必须是完全贫困(indigence)的严格限制条件,而代之以考察申请人经济状况的灵活制度. 第四,提供便捷、低廉的方式来向域外传递诉讼救济申请书. 第五,

2. indigence是什么意思

2. 贫乏:indigen 本地人 | indigence 贫乏 | indigene 土生动植物


3. 贫穷:incumbent 在职者 | indigence 贫穷 | indigenous 土产的

4. indigence在线翻译

4. 贫乏/穷困:indiffusible /不扩散的/ | indigence /贫乏/穷困/ | indigene /土生的动植物/

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  • 临近词

His present indigence is a sufficient punishment for former folly.(他现在所受的困苦足够惩罚他从前的胡作非为了。)
For one of the poets has said, 'Application to business is the root of prosperity, but those who ask questions that do not concern them are steering the ship of folly towards the rock of indigence'.(有位诗人说道:心思用在生意上,乃是发财致富的根本;凡是打听与此无关的问题的人,便是正在把愚蠢的船向贫穷的礁石撞去。)
Scholar to investigate the value degree of this research a body of thinking not high, the research result and concerning opposite indigence of data.(学者对侦查思维这一研究客体的重视程度不高,研究成果和有关资料相对贫乏。)
It is a fine thing, reader, to be lifted in a moment from indigence to wealth -- a very fine thing;(读者呀,刹那之间从贫困升迁到富裕,总归是件好事——好是很好,但不是一下子就能理解,或者因此就能欣赏的。)
Dickens contrasts the opulence of France's nobility with the indigence of her peasants.(狄更斯将法兰西贵族的富裕与农民的贫穷做了对比。)
It is a fine thing, reader, to be lifted in a moment from indigence to wealth.(这事不错,看书的那个,能让你立刻从贫穷变得富有。)
The luxury of one class is counterbalanced by the indigence of another.(这一句徐译一个阶级的奢侈全靠另一个阶级的贫苦来维持。)
Beauty, youth, wisdom and wealth, ugliness, aging, stupidity and indigence, li Shuan was once invincible in the realm of gods, but everything now melts into the air.(美容,青春,智慧和财富,丑陋,衰老,愚昧和贫穷,李书称是众神中钟领域中的神,但现在所有熔体到空气中。)
Indigence and indulgence are the two extremes of wretchedness. they are both equally unnatural and the result of mental disorder.(悲惨的两种极端表现就是贫困与放纵,两者同样脱离了自然法则,皆是精神混乱酿成的苦果。)
It is indigence which produces these melancholy human plants.(这种可悲的人类植物是由穷困造成的。)
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