When he found out that I was not improving, he called me an ingrate and a mistake of my parents.(但他发现我没有改进,他把我说成忘恩负义之人并且是我父母的一个错误。)
Thanksgiving is a small German, ingrate is evil.(感恩是小德,忘恩是大恶。)
Above the ingrate world and human fears.(超越了忘恩的尘世和人间的忧惧。)
He's such an ingrate.(他是个忘恩负义的人。)
I will never make friends with such an ingrate again.(我再也不跟像这样忘恩负义的人做朋友了。)
I've helped him on numerous occasions. Now that I need help, he turned me down ungratefully. What an ingrate.(我帮他无数次,他竟然忘恩负义,在我需要帮助的时候拒绝了我。)
Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief.(她悲哀地意识到,道歉已经太晚,她才是那个不讲理的、忘恩负义的、偷了曲奇饼的人。)
Ingrate! A woman who laughs is such a good thing!(你真不识好歹!一个老笑着的女人有多好!)
ingrate是什么意思 ingrate在线翻译 ingrate什么意思 ingrate的意思 ingrate的翻译 ingrate的解释 ingrate的发音 ingrate的同义词