英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ɪnˈstrʌktə(r)]

美 [ɪnˈstrʌktɚ]


名词: instructorship

  • 详情解释

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  • (大学)讲师
  • 教练,教员,教师
  • 指导员,指导者
  • 导师
  • 指导书



1. a person whose occupation is teaching

Synonym: teacher

1. 教练;指导者;(美国英语亦指)教师,大学讲师
An instructor is someone who teaches a skill such as driving or skiing. In American English, instructor can also be used to refer to a schoolteacher or to a university teacher of low rank.

e.g. ...tuition from an approved driving instructor.


1. 教师:Common Cartridge规范将用户分为学生(Student),教师(Instructor),教学设计者(Instructional Designer),管理员(Administrator)四个基本角色,在大部分的用例流程中,教师和教学设计者所执行的功能基本相同.

2. 指导者:在此过程中,学生获得了自主学习和相互交流的机会,鼓励学生通过体验,实践,合作,探究等方式,发展了说与写的能力;教师的角色就是:教学活动的组织者(Organizer), 帮助者(Facilitator),指导者(Instructor)评价者(Commentator).

3. 教练:instructor) 4至6段:教练(Instructor) ITF道袍区别白带至红黑带:全白色袍 黑带一段至三段:衣服的底部拥有黑色的围住黑带四段或以上:左右膊头,衣服底部,和裤服两面均有黑边围住注:ITF段带均以罗马数字俱份,

  • 情景对话

  • 经典引文

Learning English-(学英语)

A:Ralph, do me a favor, will you?


B:That all depends on what it is.

A:This is the proble, I'm still having trouble with my English.The instructor suggests that I ask an American to help me by telling me how he says the things I say which just aren't English.I wanted you to be the American.

B:What good'll it do?You never speak English unless you absolutely have to.I'll help you if you promise to speak noting but English all the time.

A:All right. Maybe I'll do that.It's the only way I'll be able to learn English fast enough, I guess.

  • I was a map-reading instructor in the army.

    出自:A. Burgess
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.instructor

The instructors called for an ambulance.



高考真题例句 OG 2.instructor

Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor's orders, but once I started the car, my mind went blank.

在上车之前, 我以为我已经学会了教练的指令, 但当我启动汽车, 我的大脑一片空白。


He worked as a dance instructor in London before setting himself up in Bucharest.(在布加勒斯特开创事业之前,他在伦敦当过舞蹈教练。)
I've only had two driving lessons so far and my instructor is very understanding, so I'm really enjoying it and I can't wait for my next session although the lessons are rather expensive.(到目前为止我只上过两次驾驶课,而且我的教练非常善解人意,所以我真的很喜欢上课。虽然课程很贵,但我等不及下一次的驾驶课了。)
Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.(一般来说,与讲师面对面交流的机会是最少的,甚至完全没有。)
She was about to stop the match when the instructor intervened.(正当她准备下场时,教练却制止了她。)
Meanwhile, a second group was directed to solve the same problems by collaborating with one another, without any prompts from their instructor.(与此同时,第二组被要求通过相互合作来解决同样的问题,没有任何来自他们的导师的提示。)
She ran off with an intellectually challenged ski instructor.(她与一位有智力障碍的滑雪教练私奔了。)
I've only had two driving lessons so far, and my instructor is very understanding.(到目前为止,我只上过两次驾驶课,我的教练非常体谅我。)
The plane was piloted by the instructor.(飞机由教练员驾驶。)
Suppose you're an instructor.(假定您是一位讲师。)
Every once in a while the instructor makes a witty remark, causing others in the class to laugh.(每隔一段时间,老师就会说一句诙谐的话,让班里的其他人都笑了起来。)
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