You can listen to it, or take up playing an instrument in your spare time.(你可以听听它,或者在业余时间玩玩乐器。)
Then a percussion instrument came in.(这时一件打击乐器加入了进来。)
As I mentioned, the instrument was played horizontally, on the lap.(正如我提到的,这种乐器是横着演奏,放在大腿上。)
Now the instrument that is playing is a low tuba, a low brass instrument.(现在在演奏的乐器是低音号,一种低音铜管乐器。)
This instrument is highly sensitive.(这架仪器很灵敏。)
It was a clarinet up there, nice and high, and then another instrument came in.(那里有一支单簧管,声音嘹亮且高昂,紧接着另一个乐器加入了。)
The film is eloquent as it explores the relationship between artist and instrument.(这部影片探讨艺术家与乐器之间的关系,意味深长。)
A musician is a person who plays an instrument or writes songs.(音乐家是演奏乐器或写歌的人。)
No kidding, it's not easy to get a universal instrument these days.(说真的,现在要买台万能仪可不容易。)
Her hands trembled slightly as she reached for the instrument.(她伸出手拿乐器时,手微微有些抖动。)
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