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更新时间:2025-03-10 15:52:45



英 [ˈɪnsjələ(r)]

美 [ˈɪnsələr]


副词: insularly 名词: insularism

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  • 岛民的
  • 孤立的
  • 海岛的
  • 岛屿的
  • 具有岛民特点的
  • 与世隔绝的
  • 保守的
  • 岛形的
  • 岛的
  • 只关心本国利益的
  • 思想偏狭的
  • 岛国的
  • 像岛民的
  • 偏狭的
  • 隔绝的
  • 像岛似的
  • 在岛上居住的
  • 位于岛上的
  • 岛特有的

1. 孤立的;保守的;思想狭隘的
If you say that someone is insular, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to meet new people or to consider new ideas.

e.g. ...the old image of the insular, xenophobic Brit.

But at least they have started to break out of their old insularity.

1. 与世隔绝:这类事情有助于鼓励这类与世隔绝(insular)的相法;这种想法导致软件并没有解决任何位于外界人认为值得解决的问题. 我们引用Ron Jeffries的话来加强这个概念:「一个开发者真正需要开始认真工作是直到她已开发她自己的内在品质的意识(sense),

2. 岛的岛状的岛民的岛国的:insular talus 岛坡 | insular 岛的;岛状的;岛民的;岛国的 | insular 岛的岛状的岛民的岛国的

3. 海岛的:insula 脑岛 | insular 海岛的 | insularity 岛国性质


4. 岛形的:insular slope 岛坡 | insular 岛形的 | insulate 隔离

  • 经典引文

  • A description of the great insular landsAustralia.

    出自:A. R. Wallace
The fact that the deal has passed off without interference widens the door to further cross-border activity in an insular industry.(但并购交易最后并未受到刁难,此事实为这一保守行业今后的跨国行动开启了方便之门。)
Elsewhere, such conduct might fuel lawsuits, but the ministry's insular system shields it. Mr.(在其他地方,这样子的处理方式也许会招致法律诉讼,但铁道部特有的系统却可以避免。)
Interestingly, the island rule is reversed for small mammals such as rodents, for which gigantism is favored under insular conditions.(有趣的是,对于小型哺乳动物,如啮齿类动物,岛屿规则是相反的,因为在岛状条件下,巨头主义是有利的。)
When the controls perceived odors, the bilateral amygdala, piriform, and anterior insular and cingulate cortices were activated.(当对照组受到气味刺激时,双侧的杏仁核、梨状叶、前岛叶和扣带回皮质激活。)
Theirs is an insular business.(这是个很封闭的行业。)
EUROPE, it is said, must resist the temptation to become a giant Switzerland: ie, a smug, rich, insular place.(据说,欧洲必须要抵制其变成巨型瑞士的诱惑:即,一个自以为是的、富裕的、思想偏狭的国家。)
He has transformed the staid, insular, 200-year-old savings bank into one of the largest retail Banks in central and eastern Europe.(他将一家200岁的四平八稳闭门造车的储蓄银行变成了中东欧地区最大的零售银行之一。)
Interestingly, the island rule is overturned for small mammals such as rodents, for which gigantism is favored under insular conditions.(有趣的是,对于啮齿动物这样的小型哺乳动物来说,岛屿法则被推翻了,因为在岛状环境下,巨大的体型是最受欢迎的。)
I despise "Internet culture". It's so pointless, so self-fulfilling, so completely insular and without context.(我瞧不起“网络文化”,网络文化乏味无聊、自以为是、一知半解而没有上下文语境衔接。)
Their dashed journey underscores the insular nature of the Pakistan and Afghan militancy.(他们的失败之旅证实了巴基斯坦和阿富汗交战的孤立特点。)
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